Cancellation Letters

Cable service cancellation letter

Mrs. Christine Fidler

North Street

St. Andrews, KY15 9AJ
May 9, 2010
Mr. John Brooks

Blackheath Lane,

Stafford, ST19 0AD

Dear Sir,

I have been a availing of the Total Cable Service since January 2010.  Sadly, in such a short time I have experienced unsatisfactory cable service from your company.  A month after installation, several of the channels have been without signal.  In addition, almost everyday this month the reception of all channels has been hazy and unclear.

I have already called your company several times for repair but the problems continue.  As such, I am writing this letter to inform you that I will be cancelling my cable service from your company effective immediately.  All my dues have already been paid last month.

Please confirm the cancellation through a written reply within thirty days.

Thank you.  I look forward to your prompt action.
Yours sincerely,
Christine Fidler

North Street

St. Andrews, KY15 9AJ

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Cancellation Letters

Magazine subscription cancellation

September 25, 2010
Ms. Emily Thompson

Sales Manager

Mother’s Forum

North Mymms

Hatfield, AL8 7TA

Dear Ms. Thompson,

This is to inform you that I have decided to cancel my monthly subscription of your magazine, Mother’s Forum, effective immediately.  I read your magazines cover to cover and enjoy the concise content of your articles. Unfortunately, I will no longer be in needing your magazine in printed format as I have already begun availing your magazines through e-mail since last month.

I have been assured by the editor of your magazine’s web format that the web formats contain the same content as those availed through e-mail.  Please send the last of my subscription for this month.  I have already paid for subscriptions until this month and have no unpaid dues.

Please confirm the cancellation of my subscription through a written reply sent to my residential address.

Thank you and more power to your magazine.

Yours truly,

Mrs. Christine Fidler

North Street

St. Andrews, KY15 9AJ

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Cancellation Letters

Credit card cancellation

Chris Wathey

Burton Street

Nottingham, NG2 4BU

August 5, 2010

Mr. Tim Hall

Customer Service
Universal Creditors

Oxford Building

Nottingham, NG6 2RD

Dear Sir,

Warm greetings!

I wish to cancel my credit card account with your company within thirty days after receipt of this letter.  Kindly let this letter serve as a notice for your company to close my credit card account.  Your service has been good but I have decided to close the account due to personal reasons.  Please close the following account as soon as possible:

Credit Card Company: ____________
Account Number: ________________

Please send me a written acknowledgment and confirmation that your company has closed my account.  In addition, also confirm that all the appropriate credit card bureaus have been informed that this credit card account was closed at my request.

Thank you for your time.  I look forward to your immediate response to this matter.

Respectfully yours,

Mr. Chris Wathey

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Appreciation Letters

Participant appreciation letter

June 29, 2010

Paul Petford

Ellison Apartments

Nottingham, NG6 2RD

Dear Mr. Petford,

In behalf of the organizers, I would like to thank you for your active participation in the Future Nurses Conference held last June 20-25 at the Nottingham University.  Your participation as a representative of your university greatly contributed to the success of the conference.

As a participant, the organizers noted that you were among the most active.  The insights and ideas you gave in the different roundtable discussions were significant contributions to the formulation of substantial papers.  These papers would be a basis for resolutions that will be forwarded to various schools in the hope that these would help improve the field of education.

We anticipate your continued participation in other meaningful activities.  We see a bright future ahead for students like you and we hope we could also play a role as you achieve more accomplishments.

Yours truly,

Prof. Nick Greenaway

Organizing Head,

Future Nurses Conference

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Appreciation Letters

Speaker appreciation letter

June 15, 2010

Prof. Janet Atkins

Department of Science

London University

London, WC3H 0XG

Dear Prof. Atkins,

I would like to express our fervent gratitude to you for obliging to be our speaker during the 2010 National Science and Technology Conference held last June 13.

Your discussion on the “Future of Science and Technology under Globalization” was very informative and inspiring.  The topic received the most positive reactions and many participants requested for similar discussions with you as speaker in their local conferences.  Participants and organizers alike learned a lot from the expertise and experience in the field that you shared with us.

We greatly appreciate your effort to accommodate our conference in your busy schedule.  We can truly say that your presence was one factor in making our conference succeed.

We look forward to having you again us our speaker in future activities!  We wish you more success in your career.

Warm regards,

Mr. Andrew Beer

Organizing Head,

National Science and Technology Conference

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Appreciation Letters

Boss appreciation letter

May 12, 2010

Mr. Neil Bean


The UK Weekly

Russell Square

London, WC5H 0XG

Dear Sir,

Warm greetings!

In behalf of the office staff of The UK Weekly, I wish to extend my deepest gratitude for allowing us to use the company gym and equipment in support of our Family Day held last May 10.  You have always been supportive of our various endeavors and we greatly appreciate this.

I also want to thank you for recognizing the welfare of the office staff.  We are fortunate to work in a company that takes care of its staff and also have a boss that shares his blessings.  We know that you are a busy person yet you always find time to be with us on special occasions.

We hope you will continue assisting us.  On our part, we will continue giving our best in our work.

Thank you, Sir!

Respectfully yours,

Mr. Andrew Gray

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Apology Letters

Apology letter for tardiness

September 9, 2010

Ms. Pamela Scott


Ink Magic, Inc.

Dear Ms. Scott:

I write this letter to express my apology for being tardy these past two days.  My baby has been ill for one week now and I have had to give extra care for him until early morning before leaving for work.  This morning, I had to bring him to the hospital due to a high fever and couldn’t leave him with the caregiver right away.

I will make up for the lost time by staying for an extra two hours after my shift in the office to work for two days.  If necessary, I will also accept additional workload.  Although the cause of my tardiness was unexpected, I will not forget to immediately inform you about my situation should the same problem occur.  I hope you accept my apologies.

Thank you.  I am hoping for your kind consideration.

Warm regards,

Mary McGhee


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Apology Letters

Business apology letter

October 25, 2010

Mr. Edward Cater

Marketing Manager

Goodwill Business Group

Norfolk, NR5 7TJ

Dear Mr. Cater,

Ever since we started our business, we have been involved in several fruitful business dealings that have helped spur the mutual development of our companies.  We have built a good working relationship founded on trust and loyalty.  Unfortunately, an incident occurred recently which has marred our hard-earned friendship.

As such, I want to express my sincerest apologies for any disagreement between us due to the incident.  We earnestly hope that this unintentional mistake will not break the bond we have built over the years.

Let this letter be our first step in correcting our error.  We are open to discussing the matter if you wish.  We are also more than willing to take additional steps to rectify our mistake.

Thank you.  We hope our good relationship will continue for years to come.


Mr. James Watts

Sales Representative

Global Publishers, Inc.

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Announcement Letters

Pregnancy Announcement Letter

November 15, 2010

Harry O’Reilly

Priory Street

Coventry, CV2 5FB

Dear Harry,

I hope you are doing well in Coventry.  Have your classes started already?  I hope you are getting on ok especially since you are far away from us.  I have good news to cheer you up – I have confirmed yesterday that I am pregnant!  The baby is already six weeks and growing well.

I was so excited and I went to the grocery right after leaving the hospital.  I immediately bought my vitamins and milk.  I will be informing my boss next week so they will be ready once I file my maternity leave.  It is a bit sad to be going through my pregnancy without you by my side but I know that taking your graduate studies there is the best option for your career.

Take care always.  Baby and I will be waiting for you this Christmas break.



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Announcement Letters

Baby Announcement Letter

August 2, 2010

Ms. Ester Atkins


Preston, PR2 2HE

Dearest Ester,

I hope you are in good health and spirits.  How is your family, the children and John?  Give them my warm regards.  I miss you all very much and hope to see you soon.  I do hope you would be able to come visit us this Christmas, especially since I am going to give birth to my first child next month!  I am so happy to finally become a mother!

It seems like only yesterday when James and I were still young and dating in college.  I never thought we would finally get married.  But it seems that the Lord brought us together, and we have been happily married for two years now.  And here comes a baby, the fulfillment of our dream to build a family.  We feel so blessed to be having a baby, and we hope to share our happiness with you.

Give our hugs to your kids.


Madeleine Curran

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