Appreciation Letters

Boss appreciation letter

May 12, 2010

Mr. Neil Bean


The UK Weekly

Russell Square

London, WC5H 0XG

Dear Sir,

Warm greetings!

In behalf of the office staff of The UK Weekly, I wish to extend my deepest gratitude for allowing us to use the company gym and equipment in support of our Family Day held last May 10.  You have always been supportive of our various endeavors and we greatly appreciate this.

I also want to thank you for recognizing the welfare of the office staff.  We are fortunate to work in a company that takes care of its staff and also have a boss that shares his blessings.  We know that you are a busy person yet you always find time to be with us on special occasions.

We hope you will continue assisting us.  On our part, we will continue giving our best in our work.

Thank you, Sir!

Respectfully yours,

Mr. Andrew Gray

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