Fundraising Letters

Calamity Fundraising Letter

November 20, 2010

Mr. Andrew Williams

CEO, London Food Company

Dear Mr. Williams,

Good day!

I represent UK Help Haiti, a group formed in January after the Haiti earthquake to aid in relief and rehabilitation efforts.  The Haiti earthquake claimed the lives of up to 300,000 people, with more than a million losing their homes.  Until now, hundreds remain homeless and are still struggling to recover from the disaster.

UK Help Haiti has been to give help to 5,000 earthquake victims every month.  We hope to continue helping the victims rebuild their homes.

We will be holding a fundraising dinner on October 30, 2010 at the L’Etranger in South Kensington.  Tickets to the dinner cost £100.

We hope to invite you to attend the said event knowing that your company has corporate social responsibility programs.  For more information, please contact us at 01960-850-544.

Thank you.  We look forward to seeing you at the fundraising dinner.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. David Taylor

President, UK Help Haiti

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Fundraising Letters

School Project Fundraising Letter

April 20, 2010

Mr. Peter Smith

35 High Street

New Haven, East Sussex


Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing to you in behalf of Northbrook College in Sussex.  Northbrook College is a school offering twelve specialist degrees in the arts.  The school offers good programs and the number of students have been increasing every year.

Recently, the school board decided to build a new theater that could better accommodate the growing school population.  The new theater will be used for drama classes, plays, and other school presentations and activities.  Construction of the building began last year but our funds have fallen short and it remains unfinished.  We are in need of at least £10,000 for construction to resume.

We remember that you are one of our alumni who have been generous in helping the school.  We would be most grateful if you would again aid us in this valuable project.

Thank you.

Faithfully yours,

Mr. Michael Wilson

Chairman, Theater Design Program

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Fundraising Letters

Fundraising Letter For Someone Sick

October 29, 2010

Mr. William Davies


UK Cancer Society

Dear Mr. Davies,

Warm greetings!

I am Elizabeth Jones, a single mother who recently left my job to take care of my child, Peter.  Last month, he was diagnosed with leukemia and he has been in the hospital ever since.  He needs to have chemotherapy soon but as I have no job, I do not have enough resources to pay for the sessions.

Our family is trying to raise funds to save Peter.  According to the doctor, we need at least £10,000 for the treatment.

We have heard that your organization provides help for the sick.  In this regard, we are knocking at your door for financial support.  Any amount you can give us will greatly contribute to Peter’s recovery.

Please contact us at 01860-820-541 if you have any queries.

Thank you. May the Lord bless you in your endeavors.


Ms. Elizabeth Jones

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Farewell Letters

Employment farewell letter

Mr. Nigel West

Elegant Apartments

Bristol, BS17 1QY

October 20, 2010

James Williams

General Manager

Likeable Company


Dear Mr. Williams,

This is to notify you that I will be departing for London on November 25.  I have already personally discussed my reasons which are family-related to the human resources officer earlier.

I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation for the learning experience I have had during my tenure in your company.  I have gained important skills and knowledge that will continue to guide me as I pursue my career.  I have become a better person, both professionally and otherwise, because of my employment with you.

I have already turned over all documents and files related to my post to the human resources officer.  I will be available to give my replacement a thorough orientation about the status of my job should it take place before my departure.

You may contact me at my mobile number should you need to reach me.


Nigel West

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Donation Letters

Business donation letter

February 2, 2010

Mr. Geoffrey Gaskell

Marylebone Road

London, NW3 5HT

Dear Mr. Gaskell,

I write to you in behalf of school, a local school that was established by a generous businessman to provide education to poor children.  We have been helping needy children since 1995 and currently have 200 students.

This year, we hope to extend our service by opening another class for children with special education needs.  In our many years of service, we have encountered numerous children who could not be schooled in the regular classes due to various disabilities.

At present, we do not have enough funds to put up the special education class.  For this reason, we are hoping for your kind donation to support this project.  It will be a great service to the children, and the nation as well, who are in dire need of our attention.

Please contact us at 020 7873 7474 if you have any inquiries.

Thank you.  We anticipate your favorable response.

Very truly yours,

Mrs. Shirley Rothwell

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Courtship Letters

Religious Courtship Letter

December 1, 2010

Dear Sophie,

The Lord is truly good and kind.  He heard my prayers that I may meet someone who would make me happy.  And He let our paths cross on that beautiful Sunday in London.

I have long been searching for another person as dedicated to religious life as you.  It is only through his grace that two persons living as far away from each other as you and me could meet.  Since we’ve been apart, I have longed to see you again.  I hope we could continue working in the various charity work we have pledged our life to together.  I know life would be more meaningful if spent with a partner and if we could build our own family that would be devoted to fulfilling the Lord’s work.

I will eagerly await your reply.  But as early as now, I promise you that my love will last forever.



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Courtship Letters

Cute Courtship Letter

November 20, 2010

Dearest Elizabeth,

I get tongue-tied everytime I see you, so here’s my simple, old-fashioned way of expressing what I feel for you.

I have known you for only a month but I feel like I have known you forever.  We share so many things in common – the food we like, the kind of people we want to be with, our aspirations, our dream family, our hopes for the world.  Everytime you speak, I feel so at ease, I feel like I can share everything with you.

My friends have been witness to the effect you have on me.  Whenever I see you, they say my eyes light up and there is a certain bounce in my step.  I talk hours and hours about you – our short trips, our long walks.

I have never been this comfortable with someone else.  You are that soul mate I have long been waiting for.  Please say you’ll never leave my side.

Hugs and kisses,


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Courtship Letters

Courtship Letter to a Best Friend

July 17, 2010

Dearest Liza,

Forgive me for writing this letter.  This letter is hard for me to write but I chose to write it because I want to be honest to you.

We have known each other since we were toddlers, learning to walk, run, and jump in the neighborhood playground.  Since pre-school, we have been the best of friends.  We learned our alphabet together, became partners in crime, played tricks on the teacher’s pet.  In high school, we talked about our love lives; we checked out the dates of each one and told each other who we should dump.

Now that we have chosen different paths, work far apart, I have learned an important thing about myself.  I have always known I love you, but it is only now that I know how much.

I love you more than a best friend.  I am hoping with all my heart that you do, too.



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Courtship Letters

Acquaintance Courtship Letter

June 20, 2010

Dear Emily,

How have you been since the company anniversary party last week?  I hope you’re doing great and that the project you were telling me about was successful.

Since we met on that party, I have been feeling so upbeat.  I have never felt so enthusiastic about life or as optimistic about work than I am now.  And there could be no other reason than you.

I know that we’ve only known each other for a few days.  We’ve gone out only twice, but already I feel that I have fallen madly in love with you.  The new things that I know about you each day only adds to the fact that we have so much in common.

Give me a chance to show you just how good we are together.  Spend more time with me – let’s go to all those places we both want to explore!



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Courtship Letters

Dramatic Courtship letter

February 5, 2010

Dear Hannah,

How has your day been?

I hope it has been a lot better than mine.  For days since we met last month, I haven’t been able to eat well.  I have lost my appetite, even for the most delicious food at my favorite restaurant or my favorite home-cooked meal.  I have been lying awake for many nights, counting sheep up to a thousand, counting stars and identifying constellations, to no avail.

Last week, I sought advice from a psychologist.  He gave me medication, but those, too and the hour-long sessions with him failed to ease my suffering.

Yesterday, I finally found out why my whole world seemed tumbled down.  After a long talk with my closest friend, I found out what I was ailing from.  I found out the one thing that was missing.  I found out that I was in love with you.

Please ease my suffering and say you will be mine.

Thinking of you everyday,


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