Courtship Letters

Humorous Courtship letter

February 1, 2010

Dearest Emma,

I saw you the other day, and wondered how you do it.  Aren’t you even tired? ‘Cause you’ve been running through my mind all day!

Really, I can’t stop thinking about you.  You would be the luckiest girl in the world if you chose to be with me for the rest of your life.  I’ll give you five reasons why you should choose me over the other guys:  I promise not to drive me crazy with late night parties – I won’t bring my buddies home, I would go to their homes instead; I will let you hold the remote control when we’re watching TV on weekends; I won’t cook meals so you wouldn’t get sick;  I will bring you out to dine in expensive restaurants – as long as we split the bill; and I will not make you sad – I’ll keep you laughing with my great sense of humor!

Keeping my fingers crossed,


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Courtship Letters

Poetic Courtship Letter

July 20, 2010

Dearest Margaret,

Never will I forget, the very first day that we met.  Your eyes so blue, your lips so red; I couldn’t shake them from my head.  Your ringing laughter and your smile, your twinkling eyes they are divine.  Your gentle hands, your dainty feet; everything about you is very neat.

Everything that you say to me, they capture more of my heart, you see.  Your kindness and your caring words, they compare to none in all the world.  I want to be with you everyday, I miss you more and more each day.  And when I’m with you, time is not enough; for me to show you all my love.

So take this letter and listen to my heart, I hope that from now on we will never part.  Hear my heartbeat, hear its rhyme; I ask you – can you forever be mine?

All my love I send to you,


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Condolence Letters

Condolence letter to employee

July 30, 2010

Mr. Steve Hartley

Lewisham Way

New Cross

London, SE15 6NW

Subject: Condolence on your daughter’s death

Dear Mr. Hartley,

We would like to express our deepest condolences on the untimely death of your daughter.  She is such a young, happy soul and it is sad that she has left us.  Let it be a comforting thought that she is now in heaven with our Lord, from whom all our lives have been borrowed.

Do not worry about the work you have left behind, we are all working together to fulfill the tasks.  Return to work when you are ready.  What is important now is for you to be able to get through this ordeal.  We have pooled together some financial support for you and your family aside from the donation from the company.  If you need any help, please inform us and we would gladly extend whatever we could.


Sales Staff

Genuine Electronics

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Condolence Letters

Condolence letter on death of friend

July 30, 2010

Mr. Edward Cater

South Bridge

Edinburgh, EH9 9YL

Dear Mr. Cater,

It was a shock to find out that your friend, Elizabeth, died due to cancer recently.  I know how much she meant to you and I sympathize with you deeply.

I remember the last time I accompanied you to visit her during one of her chemotherapy sessions in the hospital.  She was so vibrant and full of life despite her condition and her frailness.  I was surprised to find how positive she was about life even though she was diagnosed to have a serious terminal illness.  From knowing her, I have learned to become more enthusiastic and make the most out of life.  Her death is a great loss but we owe it to our loved ones to live on.  I hope the presence of other friends like me will help you recover from such a sad loss.

Condolence, my friend.  I am always here if you need a shoulder to cry on.


Colin Smith

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Condolence Letters

Condolence letter to boss

July 22, 2010

Mr. John Downes

General Manager

Magic Touch Suppliers

Norfolk, NR5 7TJ

Dear Sir,

Please accept our profound condolence over the untimely death of your wife.  We know how hard it is to lose a loved one, and we sincerely hope that you are coping well with the situation.

We have known your wife through the various family activities that the company has held through the years.  She was truly such a joyful presence in the activities, lightening up the mood and establishing warm rapport among the staff.  We loved her, too and will surely miss her.  We were never able to tell her personally but we hope to tell you how much we appreciate all her help through the years.

On our part, we will do our best to further improve our work and strive to relive your wife’s legacy in the company.  We will ensure everything is in order during your leave of absence.

With deep sympathy,

Sales Representative Staff

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Condolence Letters

Condolence letter for death of uncle

May 29, 2010

Mr. Graham Shellard

Kedleston Road

Derby, DE26 1GB

Dear Mr. Shellard,

It was sad to learn that your uncle, Mr. Jones, died from a heart attack last week.  I was overcome with grief that he has left us, so were the entire staff of Kind Heart Charity Foundation and our beneficiaries when we told them the news.  We are one with your family in praying that his soul rest in peace.

Your uncle was a generous benefactor of our foundation.  He has supported our numerous campaigns and projects.  Through donations of individuals like your uncle, we were able to help hundreds of families start rebuilding their lives after the Haiti disaster.  I hope it is a comforting thought for you and your family to know how much your uncle shared to the world while he was alive.

Please accept my deepest sympathy.  If there is anything we can extend to your family, let us know and we will do the best we can to help.

Warm Regards,

Julia Wiles

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Condolence Letters

Condolence letter for death of brother

May 20, 2010

Julian Curran

Northampton Square

London, EC5V 0HB

Dear Mr. Curran,

It is with sadness that I received news about your brother’s death from an untoward accident.  I got your letter yesterday requesting for a leave of absence for your brother’s burial and I apologize for not being able to personally attend the burial.  I hope this letter and the flowers I have sent would express our deepest condolence to you and your family.

I know how close you are to your brother, having heard so many stories about him from you.  I am sure the life he lived was a very meaningful one, knowing how much he has helped you in your studies and how generous he is to charity.  In the one moment that I met him, I felt his sincere kindness and warmth to others.

Again, I express my sincere sympathy to you and your family.

Truly yours,

Mary Wells

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Condolence Letters

Condolence letter for death of mother

April 15, 2010

Ms. Emily Grant

Parkgate Road

Chester, CH3 4BJ

Dear Emily,

I am one of your mother’s former students and I learned that she passed away last week.  I would like to express my deepest condolence to you and your family for having lost such a wonderful mother.  I was supposed to attend her burial but was not able to since I came down with the flu.

Until now, I am also stricken with grief but we must do everything to go on.  Your mother is the best teacher I have ever had and I have learned so many valuable lessons about life from her.  She cared so much about her students, lending us extra help whenever we had problems with our academics.  More than this, she also gave us motherly advice about our personal struggles.

I am sure that your mother’s memory will forever live through us.

Yours truly,

Peter Jenkins

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Condolence Letters

Condolence letter thank you

August 2, 2010

Mr. Paul and Pam Thompson


Buckinghamshire, MK19 1EG

Dear Paul and Pam,

My father’s untimely death was such a shock to me and my family.  We are still in deep grief over his death but we are making it through because of kind, comforting words from friends like you.  Thank you so much for the sympathy letter you sent me.  Although you were not able to personally attend dad’s wake and burial, I felt your warm presence the entire time.

It has been a week since dad’s burial and our family is slowly trying to move on with our lives through the pain of losing dad.  We are getting on by remembering good times with dad, and hearing stories about him through his close friends like you.  The stories you shared about dad have reminded us that his memory will live on through the lives he has touched.

Again, thank you for condoling with us.

Warm Regards,

Mark Evans

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Complaint Letters

Training Course Complaint Letter

August 19, 2010

Emily Eastwood

Head Trainor

Great Image Training Group

Dear Ms. Eastwood:

This is to call your attention to your training course on “Professional Digital Photography” held last Auguts 10-17, 2010.  I attended the training to upgrade my skills in photography which I need in my job at a local magazine.

Your brochure and advertisements state that the training course includes 14 hours of lecture and 30 hours of hands-on experience.  At first, the training was going well.  The speakers were competent and we were guided during the practice sessions.  However, the speakers started arriving late and the sessions were cut short.  Thus, the training course objectives were not attained and I had not reached my own personal goal to learn new techniques.

Your advertisements boast of a money-back guarantee if dissatisfied and I would like to avail the refund.  I paid a registration fee of ?100, an amount that is definitely not worth the training I got.


David Crampton

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