Inquiry Letters

Grant inquiry letter

January 20, 2009

Ms. Pauline Callahan

Women of Charity Foundation

Harold Road, Chingford

London, E5 8SN

Dear Ms. Callahan,

I write to you in behalf of the Heal the World Organization (HWO).  We are seeking project support of ?10,000 from the Women of Charity Foundation for our Build-a-School project.  We deeply appreciate the financial support you provided us last year for our Adopt-a-Child program and we believe our current project will be of interest to your foundation.

The HWO is a non-government organization seeking to provide aid to needy children in Third World countries.  We have been holding annual programs that have already benefited over 50,000 poor children in ten countries.

The Build-a-School project this year aims to put up a school in far-flung areas in Somalia and Nigeria.  The project will timeframe is from January to December 2010, requiring a total amount of ?100,000.

We are more than willing to submit a full project proposal for your perusal.   For inquiries, you may contact us at 020 8528 8529.


Mr. Henry James

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Inquiry Letters

School inquiry letter

November 19, 2010

Prof. Albus Cohen

London University

London, WC3E 7HU

Dear Mr. Cohen,

Warm greetings!

I am Rhoda Crossick, a previous student of your university.  Last year, I enrolled in an Associate Degree in Communications and finished attending classes for the first semester.  Unfortunately, I suffered from a car accident before the start of the second semester and I was no longer to attend classes.  I was also not able to inform the university of my condition.

I hope to continue studying in the university but have decided to take a different course.  I want to inquire the procedure I need to follow to be able to go back to school.  Will I undergo the same procedure as a new applicant or do I need to write a letter to my previous college?

It would be a pleasure for me to be able to continue my studies in the university as it is reputed to be one of the best.  Should I need to be reached, you can contact me at 020 7799 6236.

Thank you.


Ms. Rhonda Crossick

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Inquiry Letters

Termination inquiry letter

May 28, 2010

Catherine Walker

Human Resources Officer

Great Taste Manufacturing

Dear Ms. Walker,

Good day!

I am one of the company workers who was terminated last May 25, 2009.  I write to you to inquire about the reasons for my termination.

I have been working in the company for ten years, starting as an assembly line worker.  I was promoted as line supervisor last January 2007 after I was cited for good performance several years in a row.  I have been on good working terms with the workers under my supervision and have not received any negative comments from my superior officer.

As such, I was surprised to be informed that I would be among the 50 workers to be terminated.  I received my termination letter last month but the reasons for removing me remains unclear.  I hope to discuss the matter personally with you soon as I hope to still remain working in the company.

Thank you.


Mr. Arthur Williams

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Inquiry Letters

Employment inquiry letter

Mr. Gavin Smith


London, E2 0SD

April 10, 2010

Mr. George Jones

Human Resources Office

People Publishing Inc.

East Ham

London, E7 6BN

Dear Mr. Jones,

Warm greetings!

Perhaps your company is looking for a new employee to add to your research department.  I am a highly experienced researcher, knowledegable in the different types of research, and up-to-date with advances in research technology.

I am a graduate of the University of London.  Right after graduation last 2007, I worked for five years as a research assistant in the same university.  At present, I am teaching at the university while also being involved in various research projects.

Research is my field of specialization and I have received positive responses to my work.  Your company is known to excel in research and I hope to use my skills and capabilities for continued excellence.

Attached is my resume for your perusal.  I will call you to further discuss my qualifications or you may call me at 020 8553 6018 if you prefer.

Thank you.


Mr. Gavin Smith

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Holiday Letters

Holiday Letter to Boss

August 10, 2010

Mr. Barry Jones


Extreme Publishers

Clapton, London, E6 9SS

Dear Sir,

Once again, the year is coming to a close and the holiday season has arrived.  We would like to express our deepest appreciation for yet another wonderful year we have had working in your company.

We are very happy to be employed in the most reputed publishing company in town.  The management has respected our rights as employees and our benefits have been well-provided.  Certainly, there were also times of hardship but our dedication and passion for our work have inspired us to carry on.  We truly believe in the company’s goals in providing excellent service for our customers.  For us, it is a noble task to have a part in providing information to everyone in the form of the books and other reading materials that we publish.  We look forward to another year to serve our countrymen.

Happy holidays, sir!  We wish you and your family a prosperous new year.

Warm regards,

The Printing Staff

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Holiday Letters

Holiday Approval Letter

November 30, 2010

Paul Green


Best Supplies Co.

Blackheath Lane

Stafford, ST19 0AD

Dear Mr. Green,

This is with regard to your request for holidays from December 10 to 30, 2010.  We have decided to approve your request as you have not yet availed of any of your holidays for this year.

You are one of our most committed and hard working employees in the company and we greatly value your work here.  You have consistently had a great performance record in the five years that you have been working with us.  The company greatly appreciates your dedication to your work and the company and hope you will be working with us for many more years to come.

Attached is a list of the tasks that should be completed before you leave for the holidays.  We hope you accomplish them on time as you always have.

Enjoy your holidays and have a safe trip.

Yours sincerely,

Tim Roberts

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Fundraising Letters

Orphanage Fundraising Letter

December 2, 2010

Anthony Walker

Savage Gardens

East Ham,

London, E6 5TY

Dear Mr. Walker,

Greetings of peace!

I am writing in behalf of the Little Hands Orphanage, an orphanage that was put up in 1990 by a philanthropic citizen, Mr. Peter Brown.  At present, 100 children aged seven to twelve years old.  We provide food and shelter to the orphans and also try our best to provide them education.

Unfortunately, since the death of Mr. Brown in 2001, we have been struggling to keep the orphanage in full operation.  Generous benefactors have kept the orphanage running, but as expenses rise, our funds have become insufficient.  We do not want to close down the orphanage and we are raising funds to prevent this.  We need £20,000 additional funds every month.

We know that your group has consistently advocated for children’s rights and we will be most grateful if we can be one of your beneficiaries.

For queries, please contact us at 020 7922 5000.


Mr. Robert Jones


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Fundraising Letters

Activity Fundraising Letter

September 24, 2010

Mr. Paul McDaid

Regent Street

London, W2B 2UW

Dear Mr. McDaid,

A pleasant day to you!

The Society of Medical Students is an organization of students from taking up medicine courses.  One of our goals is to bring health care support to Third World countries that are in dire need of medical services.

This year, we will be gathering 50 volunteer medicine students and doctors for a medical mission in Somalia.  We have learned that thousands of children in Somalia suffer from malnutrition, with hundreds dying due to hunger everyday.  We will be holding the activity in Somalia on December 1-15.

We need at least £300,000 for the medical mission to pursue, an amount we are hoping to raise through donations.  Since we are one in the commitment to heal the sick, we hope for your generous support to the activity.

Should you have any questions, please contact us at 020 7911 5111.

Thank you.


Ms. Susan Green

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Fundraising Letters

Hospital Fundraising Letter

March 23, 2010

Mr. Peter Brown


UK Cancer Awareness Society

Dear Mr. Brown,

Warm greetings!

The North Antrim Clinic is a local hospital providing for medical needs of hundreds of patients daily.  We currently have 10 buildings with the capacity to give service to one thousand patients.

Last month, one part of our emergency room building was damaged due to a minor fire accident.  We hope to re-construct the area immediately and buy new and better equipment so hospital operations could improve.

The hospital’s insurance will cover the damages caused by the fire accident, but we will be needing more funds for the new equipment.  We are raising funds amounting to £100,000.

As an organization that supports endeavors in the field of medicine, we will be most grateful if we will be considered as one of your beneficiaries.

Please contact us at 01943-810-542 for more information.

Thank you.


Mr. Paul Johnson

Director, North Antrim Clinic

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Fundraising Letters

Travel Fundraising Letter

January 20, 2010

Ms. Margaret Evans

Bray, Berkshire

Dear Ms. Evans,


I write to you on behalf of UK Young Dancers Club.  The UK Young Dancers Club is a group of fifteen students from various schools in London who love dancing.  The group was formed last year through the effort of our schools.

We participated in a national dance contest last March.  Out of 30 participants, we won the contest and will be representing the United Kingdom in the worldwide contest to be held on December 20, 2010 in California, USA.

Sadly, our schools cannot finance our travel fare.  Only our accommodation expenses will be covered by the contest sponsors.

We are currently raising funds from generous patriots like you to be able to attend the contest.  We are still in need of £100,000.

For inquiries, please contact us at 01750-830-521.

Thank you.

Lovingly yours,

Mr. Robert Thomas

President, UK Young Dancers Club

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