Sympathy Letters

Business Sympathy Letter


Mr. James Crawford

General Manager,

Computech Systems,

#2, Rochester, Kent,

London, ME2

Subject; Sympathy Letter on sad demise of spouse

Dear Mr. James,

With great sympathy I am writing this letter to you on behalf of Growell Systems. We deeply regret the sad demise of your wife due to cancer. We know how difficult it must be for you to lose your life partner after so many years of staying together. It must be so hard even for your children to overcome such a loss in their life at such an early age. But in front of God’s decision we all are helpless and cannot do anything besides accepting it.

We know that you will require all kinds of support at this stage in your life and you can surely count on us whenever you feel the need. We once again pass on our deepest regret for the sad event that has taken place in your life and hope that God gives you mental strength to face the situation with great courage. Please let us know if we can be of any help to you in this difficult time. May her soul rest in peace.

Thanking you.

Yours Truly,

Armanda Growell,

Managing Director,

Growell Systems.

Sympathy Letters

Sympathy Letter to Manager

Brett Christian,

General Manager,

ABC Tech Inc.

5896, Canon City,

Colorado- 81215


June 02, 2011

Chris Johnson,

2563, Canon City,

Colorado- 81212


Dear Sir,

I felt great sympathy after hearing the sad news of your wife’s sudden death due to cancer. I know the pain of sudden losing of your life partner who has been around you for so many years. It is hard for you to get out such sudden tragedy in your life.

I know that you are really in need of support and help from our sides and we also assure you that we will always stand beside you for any help you want. Sir, if you think that you need help from us then must call us.

It has been really sad moment for you which you need to bear with great courage and you need to try to stand once again not for yourself but your lovely children who have lost their mother.

Thanking You,

Yours faithfully,

Brett Christian

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Sympathy Letters

Sympathy Letter to Family

Alfred D’Souza,

2563, Atlantic Beach,

Florida- 32224


June 02, 2011

Benny Albert,

2554, Atlantic Beach,



Dear Benny,

I have heard from Christian the sad news of your father’s sudden death due to accident. After hearing the news I just stunned and it has not been long time since I met Mr. Albert on last Sunday on the beach. He was looking healthy and fit. I know that it is a big setback for you and your family and it will take very long time to get out of this.

I know it is very big tragedy when head of family leave us and very terrible when he leaves us in sudden. I know during such situation you and your family need big support and help. I am always with you and your family for such support.

If need help do call me at any time my dear friend.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,

Alfred D’Souza

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Sympathy Letters

Sympathy Cards Letter

Rolando Samish,

256, Baldwin Park,



Mark Benson,

259, Baldwin Park,

California- 91706,


Dear Mark,

I have heard from your one of close friends Mickey that you have recently lost your pet Tuffy. When I heard the news of its death it was great sympathy from my side. I know that losing such a thing which had been around you for many years is very sad.

Yes, it is hard for you to forget your beloved pet but my dear friend life does not end hear and you would have to come out of this. When anyone leave us though he leaves us but stay always in our heart dear. I know that your pet Tuffy also leaves in your heart too and he is never going to leave your heart.

I am always standing beside you and will help you whenever you need.

Thanking You,

Yours sincerely,

Rolando Samish

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Sympathy Letters

Sympathy Letter for Loss of Pet

Dr. Paul Garner

Kedleston Road, Derby

DE27 1GB

August 7, 2010

Mr. Roger Reid

Nethergate, Dundee


Dear Mr. Reid,

I have come to know that your wonderful labrador, Black, has passed away recently due to an illness.  I am deeply saddened by Black’s death, as I know that you must be, and I want to express my sympathy.

Black is a very loving and friendly dog and I know that he will surely be missed.  It is sad that he was not able to recover from the illness that suddenly befell him.  I feel especially sad that I was not able to save his life.  I was out of town when you brought him to the clinic, but the attending veterinarian said that he did everything he could to treat Black.  Maybe it is really his time to die; he has, after all, lived a long twenty-five years and has already given twenty offsprings in his lifetime.  He will live on in the puppies that he has left you.


Dr. Paul Garner

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Sympathy Letters

Sympathy Letter for Loss of Husband

Ms. Tracey Cook

Human Resources Officer

Accents Sales, Inc.

March 10, 2010

Ms. Lisa Rowland

The Gateway, Leicester


Dear Lisa,

I heard about the untimely death of your husband, George.  Please accept our sincere sympathies for the loss.  You must be going through immense grief and I know that it is not easy to deal with such a great loss.

Mr. Cook is certainly a great loss to the company, too.  He is one of the best sales representatives this company has had and his dedication and hard work is exceptional.  He will never be forgotten by everyone he has worked with.  He lived a good life and we feel honored to have been one of those who were able to be a part of his life.  His legacy will live in the success he has helped the company achieve through the years.

The company sends with this letter a small sum as financial support to you and your family.  We hope this humble amount will help you.


Tracey Cook

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Sympathy Letters

Sympathy Letter for Loss of Mother

Mr. Daniel Brotherton

Cranfield, Bedfordshire

MK48 0AL

February 10, 2010

Mr. Kirk Ball

Paternoster Row, Carlisle


Dear Kirk,

I found out about the inopportune death of your mother due to an accident last week.  I deeply sympathize with you and I hope that you and your family are coping well with the loss.

I know that it is hard to lose a mother.  My mother died last year and we were all devastated.  But through continuous prayers and the guidance of the Lord, we were able to accept that He had only taken back the life that was borrowed.  Your mother lived a productive life and she will live on in the countless things that she has taught us.  I can never forget her warm presence in the numerous dinners that we attended in your house.  You certainly got your great sense of humour from her and through this, she will be present in your daily life.

I hope that this letter help you as you try to come to terms with your mother’s death.

Your friend,


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Sympathy Letters

Sympathy Letter to Boss

Ms. Molly Melville

Priory Street, Coventry


October 5, 2010

Mr. Raymond Goth

Team Leader

Aces Sales Group

Dear Mr. Goth,

I would like to express my sympathy for the unexpected illness your wife was diagnosed with.  I know these are hard and sad times for you and I hope that messages like mine would help you deal with what you are feeling.

I have met your wife in our previous company dinner and I perceive her to be a strong and determined woman.  I pray that through the medicines, her strong will, and the love and care of her loved ones she will be able to recover fully from her illness.  The Lord is kind and he hears our prayers.

Please do not be concerned about the work you have left behind as you attend to your wife.  The office is in good hands and everyone is working together to make sure that no work is left undone.

We pray for your wife’s speedy recovery.


Molly Melville

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Sympathy Letters

Sympathy Letters

Sympathy Letter for Illness

Mr. Keith Parkin

Sales Department Head

Excellent Sales, Co.

September 18, 2010

Mr. Sebastian Jones

Northampton Square, London


Dear Mr. Jones,

I was informed by the human resources office that you have filed for a leave of absence because you have been diagnosed with cancer and need to undergo several treatments.  In behalf of the staff in our department, I express our symapthy with you and hope for the success of your treatments.

You will be missed in the one month that you will not be with us, but rest assured that everyone in the department will work together to ensure that everything goes well while you are on leave.  Do not worry about the work here, we can manage fine and will do our best to fulfill the tasks in the same level of excellence that you do them.

Should you need any assistance for your hospitalization and medication, feel free to contact us and we will contribute in any way we can.

Get well soon!


Keith Parkin

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Sympathy Letters

Sympathy letter for accident

Ms. Lynne Woods

Preston, Preston


July 26, 2010

Ms. Catherine Currie

Parkgate Road, Chester


Dear Catherine,

How are you doing?  I was saddened when your mother informed me that you met an unfortunate accident last month while driving home.  I hope you recovering quickly from the car accident and that you did not suffer any serious injuries.  I deeply sympathize with you and hope for the best.

I hope that the truck driver that hit you was apprehended.  It is so dangerous to drive at night these days, especially since many trucks traverse the roads during this time.  I hope you can rent a place nearer your workplace so you would not need to be driving late at night just to go home.

I will visit you next week to see how you are doing.  It would also be great to catch up on the things that have been happening in our lives since we haven’t seen each other a long time.

Get well soon, dear friend!

Kind regards,


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