Fundraising Letters

Fundraising Letters

A good letter is the key to a successful fundraising campaign. Fundraising letters might sound intimidating at the beginning, but it truly contains many elements of a good sales letter. These kinds of letters are generally written to request compensations or donations for a charitable cause. The basic knowledge of the donor who is providing the fund is very important for the applicant. The letter could be started with an updated list of the past donors. This may likely increase the chances of the donation over time.

Some points must be kept in mind while writing an effective fundraising letter. These are:

  • A teaser might be included on the envelope to make the outside of the letter more prompt and attractive.
  • The case should be quickly brought forward; beating around the bush will do no good. Instead, getting into the main point fast will impress the readers.
  • The letter should be written in a more personable tone instead of being direct to a group of people.
  • The letter should be kept very simple. It should not be over embellished or over exaggerated
  • Finally, a narrative of the success and achievements of the organisation that is applying could be given in the form of a story.

Fundraising Letter For Someone Sick

School Project Fundraising Letter

Calamity Fundraising Letter

Travel Fundraising Letter

Hospital Fundraising Letter

Activity Fundraising Letter

Orphanage Fundraising Letter

Organization fundraising letter

Church fundraising letter

School fundraising letter

Sample fundraising letter

Fundraising letter template

Formal fundraising letter

Campaign fundraising letter

Business fundraising letter

Great Fundraising Letter

Not For Profit Fundraising Letter

Perfect Fundraising Letter

Fundraising Letter Example

Fundraising Letter Format

Fundraising Letter

Fundraising Thank You Letter

Successful Fundraising Letter

Political Fundraising Letter

Non profit Fundraising Letter

Mission Trip Fundraising Letter

General Fundraising Letter

Fundraising Request Letter

Fundraising Letters

Fundraising Request Letter


Norman Creed

Chief Executive Officer

Oscar TV Limited

56 Universal High Road

New Lark, New Jersey 7490

Dated: 2nd of April 2012

Respected Mr. Creed,

This is to inform you that we are planning to organize a business seminar and looking for means to raise fund for the seminar. We would request you to make a contribution to the required fund amount.

The business seminar that we are organizing is an attempt to get all the corporate heads under one roof to discuss about the current situation of the market. The seminar is aimed to help aspiring businessmen and business school students. The scheduled date of the event is 10th of April 2012. As per our calculations, the cost involved is $30000.

I hope you understand our quest to organize the seminar and help us in making it happen. I am also enclosing details of the seminar along with this letter.


Brett Lee

Events Manager Limited

Fundraising Letters

General Fundraising Letter


Ridley Scott

Managing Director

Universal Group Limited

45 Straight Drive Road

New York, New jersey 4578

Dated: 23rd of October 2012

Dear Mr. Howard,

I, on behalf of Help the Society Limited would like to bring to your kind notice that we are planning to organize residential facilities for war victims in Iraq. In order to make this charitable mission successful we are looking for sources to raise fund.

You must be aware about the terrible condition of the war victims in Iraq. They have become homeless due to the war. We are trying our best to provide them a normal residential facility in order to improve their living conditions. I believe that you would appreciate our cause and would like to contribute towards it.

I am looking forward to your positive response. I am enclosing the details of cost involved to provide these facilities along with the letter.

Thanking you,

Tim Burton

Help the Society Limited

Fundraising Letters

Mission Trip Fundraising Letter


Jack Ripper

Communications Manager

Nestle Private Limited

34 Jelly Bean Road

Oscar City, South Dakota 4589

Dated: 12th of April 2012

Respected Mr. Ripper,

This is to inform you that we are planning for a mission trip to treat individuals suffering from health issues in the tribal areas. We need to raise fund in order to make this mission trip successful.

We are aware about the contributions of your organization towards various charitable causes. We are planning this mission trip for a charitable cause as you must aware that the inhabitants of tribal areas have no access to health facilities. We intend to set up medical camps in the location they inhabit. We will have to hire a team of experienced doctors and nurses for this cause.

We are hoping that you would help us in the fund raising process by making a monetary contribution.

Thanking you,

Laura Miles

Communications Manager

Help Full Organization

Fundraising Letters

Non profit Fundraising Letter


Neil Diamond

Managing director

Sun Rise Technologies

Mountain High Road

North Dakota, New Jersey 5678

Dated: 23rd of March 2012

Respected Mr. Diamond,

This is to inform you that our nonprofit organization, Cry Relief is organizing an event for the orphan children. We would require a funding of $20000 to execute this event.

We are planning to organize a painting competition for orphan children between the age group of six to sixteen on 1st of April 2012. The aim is to find a talented individual and the winner of the competition will get scholarship to complete his graduation. This is a nonprofit event and will help to make a child to study further.

We being a nonprofit organization don’t have enough funds in our account to go ahead with the event, so we would request you to make a certain contribution to make this event happen.

Thanking you,

John Woo

Marketing Head

Cry Relief


Non Profit Job Duties

Fundraising Letters

Political Fundraising Letter


Lenny Bin

Finance Department Head

Tyson Finance Limited

21 Black Well Street

South hall, United Kingdom 4578

Dated: 10th of April 2012

Subject: Fund required for our political campaign

Respected Mr. Bin,

This is to inform you that we are campaigning for our political party Human Congress for this year’s election. We would be requiring a certain amount of fund in order to carry out our political campaign.

The candidate that we have nominated for this year’s elections for the post of youth minister is a young individual in his early thirties and has all the makings to be a youth icon. But a lot of campaigning needs to be done so that we can get the public vote.

We would like to request you help us in the fundraising process by contributing a certain amount. I hope that we would get a positive response from your end.


John Mayo

Fund Manager

Human Congress

Fundraising Letters

Successful Fundraising Letter


Tony Roger

Managing Director

Hope Foundation Limited

34 Charlie’s Angel Road

New York, New Jersey 4567

Dated: 23rd of March 2012


Respected Mr. Roger,

This letter is in regards to the fundraising program that our organization had conducted in order to provide shelter and education to street children around the world. I would like to inform you that our fundraising program has been successful.

In order to create awareness about the fundraising program we had sent request letters to the top corporate organizations like yours around the world. We had also posted ads on websites and social networking sites. We have received positive response from the corporate organizations as well as the common people. We have managed to raise ten million dollars which I believe will be enough to help one thousand children.

I hope that you are pleased to get this information as it is a moment of success for our NGO.

Thanking you,

Jane Fonda

Fund Manager

Hope Foundation Limited

Fundraising Letters

Fundraising Thank You Letter


Henry Cooper

Green Foods Limited

56 High Hill Road

Indiana, Iowa 7890

Dated: 3rd of April 2012

Subject: Thank you for helping us in raising fund

Respected Mr. Cooper,

I on behalf of Society Helpers Limited would like to thank you for helping us making the charitable event organized by us on 1st of April 2012 possible. It was your monetary contribution that made this event a successful one.

When we had decided to organize this event we had visited a number of reputed organizations in order to raise fund, but none of them had showed interest. It was only your organization that understood the social relevance of the event and agreed to contribute to the fund required in order to organize it.

We would always be grateful for helping us in making this event happen. We are looking forward to such associations in future.

Thanking you,

Brett Lee

Society Helpers Limited

Fundraising Letters

Fundraising Letter


Larry King

General Manager

Overseas Outsourcing Limited

23 Aspen High Street

Holly Wood, Los Angeles 6789

Dated: 12th of April 2012

Respected Mr. King,

This is to inform you that we are organizing a marathon event and we would require some funding in order to organize the event.

We, at Events Limited specialize in organizing events that would help to create awareness in the society. On 17th of April 2012 we would be organizing a marathon event by the name Green Walk in order to create awareness about global warming. This event is for a noble cause that will benefit the society. We would require a fund of around $200000 to organize the event.

I hope that you would be eager to contribute to this noble cause. We would also be honored if a reputed organization like yours is involved with such an event. I am looking forward to your reply.


Nancy Myers

Marketing manager

Events Limited

Fundraising Letters

Fundraising Letter Format


Name of the recipient

Designation of the recipient

Organization in which the recipient is working

Address of the organization



Dear Mr. /Mrs. [mention the last name of the recipient with appropriate salutation before it],

First paragraph: Mention the reason for writing that is the event for which you want to raise fund and also inform the recipient that you want him to contribute to the fund required.

Second paragraph: In the second paragraph mention the reason for conducting the event. If the event is going to benefit anyone you can also mention that how the event will benefit them and the event is particularly dedicated to them.

Third paragraph: In this paragraph mention that you are expecting a positive response from the recipient and he should contribute to the fund raising process as it will benefit him.

Name of the sender

Designation of the sender

Organization in which the sender is working