Contract Letters

Request to Expedite Payment

Mr. Earl M. Scott
Director, Project XYZ
Peninsula Beverly Hills Hotel
9552 South Santa Monica Boulevard
London LN80GB United Kingdom
(301) 551-2777

Dear Mr. Scott

Re: To Ensure Expedite Payment of Eighth Installment- Contract HT-11-98768

Please accept our sincere thanks for your active cooperation and assistance since the inception of the project. However, we would like to invite your attention to our inability of going further in the last phase of proposed hotel construction in view of severe cash crunch. With project in its final phase, approximately 90% of construction is complete. Thus entire work ranging from the fire protection system to the water reservoir service with 6 days water reserve is completed as planned in the project’s outline report.

However we have not still received the final installment due to which we are unable to complete the project within the pre-set deadlines. Thus, we kindly request you for your speedy sanction so as to facilitate us to keep our words for which we are known for. Furthermore, the delays in the phase of completion of the projects also influence its overall cost. So any further suspension is surely going to increase its cost as the overrun projects are only over cost ones. Thus, in our mutual interests we request you to take care of it.

Therefore please find the attached invoice for a payment of $45,999.00 for contract HT-11-98768. In case of any doubt, please feel free to contact me on the aforesaid number or on my mobile.

Thank you in anticipation of your kind cooperation in the mutual interest ASAP.


Nicholas M. Sams

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Congratulations Letters

Congratulations Letter – to a Former Employee

Belinda Asher

620 Emmanuel College Library
Cambridge CB2 3AP

Dear Amanda:
On behalf of everyone here at Deerwood Resorts Ltd., I would like to sincerely congratulate you on your recent elevation from Sales Executive to Sales Manager in your present assignment. I am glad that you have been doing well better than what you were here with us.

I must say that I was not surprised to read your appraisal papers. During your first four years as an employee at our Lakeland Family Resort, I observed your cheerfulness with a very quick mind for business. Combining those attributes with your relentless work ethic and commitment to quality customer service, it is obvious that you have an excellent future ahead of you. I can only hope that your past experience of working with us contributed in some small way to your success.

On behalf of the management and staff at Deerwood Resorts, I wish you all the best in your future career and life endeavors in your new assignment, whatever they may be.

Yours sincerely,

Bruce Atkinson

President and CEO

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Appreciation Letters

Thanking a Conference Speaker

Mr. David Mitchelle
Director General – Civil Aviation
Government of Seychelles
20 Island View Parkway

Dear David,

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you for your very active participation in our recent conference in Manchester on the “future of aviation”. The Chairman and Board Members have also asked me to pass on their sincere appreciation for your efforts in supporting the School in this important undertaking.

Your skill in chairing the divisive panel on “The Role of Developing Countries in the Future of Aviation Management” was very much cherished by those representing every side of that extremely sensitive topic. We have also received numerous post-conference requests for the paper you delivered on “The Decisive Issue of Cooperation between Airlines and Airports.” It looks like you may have penned a best-seller with that one!

On both a professional and at a personal level, I really appreciate the time we were able to spend together for fun and reflection during conference down times. I certainly learned a lot about the unique aspects of aviation operations in your part of the world.

We are currently busy at work producing the “Compendium of Conference Proceedings” document and we expect to be sending it out to all participants early in the New Year.

I thank you once again for your enthusiastic participation in our conference. I will rather contend that had you not been with us, it would not have been the success. Please keep in touch, and drop in and visit us whenever you are in this part of the world.

Very sincerely,

Robert Hensicky

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Business Letters

Internal memorandum to employee

October 30, 2010

From: Meridith Marconi

To: Franco Johnson, Director, Research Program

Subject: Commendation – Henry Marx – Transport Demand Project

This communiqué is to officially commend Marx Stapleton for his brilliant

contribution throughout his assignment to the Transport Demand Project (TDP).

As you know, Marx has been working on special assignment with the TDP team
for the past seven months with his return to your part of the organization shortly, I wanted to ensure that he gets some recognition for his noteworthy and exceptional contributions to the project.

As an econometrician, Marx’s role in the project was prominent to its timely and successful completion. It was he who worked long hours, several nights with sacrificing his weekends with his small team of researchers, to specify first and then testing the thousands of equations that had to be run. The quality of Marx’s written work was also exceptional. His regression analysis summaries were always very well written and hardly required editing.

As a colleague and project team member, Marx was outstanding too. His upbeat enthusiasm for the project was communicable, and he seemed to have motivated his entire project team. He was very much liked by the entire team members and thus he
became unofficially a deputy project manager.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I have worked with many junior economists
and econometricians over the years and have never run across one as professional and productive as Marx was on the TDP. I believe that the organization as a whole should recognize his exceptional contribution to a major project.

Meridith Marconi

Cc: Marx Stapleton

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Business Letters

introducing yourself and/or a service

Ms. Margaret Thatcher                                                                                                              Director, Corporate Services
Riviera International Inc.
245 Dearborn Park Road
Birmingham BG67GB

Dear Ms. Thatcher:

It was a great pleasure in meeting you though briefly at last week’s Board of Trade event. I was fascinated by your synopsis of the history of Riviera International over the past, almost half­ a century. Obviously, your company has a rich corporate heritage and tradition besides being blessed with a continuum of leaders of prudence and thoughts who had the guts to change course at key points along the way that your company could remain competitive and continue to lead its industry.

As I mentioned to you, the final edition publications is a specialty publisher focusing on corporate publications including annual reports, corporate profiles and corporate histories. We have been in business for over 10 years and during that time have grown from a two men start­up to a serious corporate publisher with over 100 employees. We have been contracted by over a dozen Fortune 500 companies to produce both annual and special occasion publications on their behalf.

Thank you and looking forward to the pleasure of meeting you again,

Warm regards,

Sincerely yours

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Business Letters

Confirmation follow up after business meeting

Ms. Jane Rodon
United Way
2300 E. Broad Street

Dear Ms. Rodon:

Thank you very much for talking with me on Monday in response to my inquiry about summer internship opportunities in social services in the Oxford area. After speaking with you and another Oxford University alumnus whose name I obtained through web,  I think I am very much prepared to pursue internship opportunities.

As per your advice, I have updated my CV a copy of which I am forwarding to you, wherein you will find my recent hotline volunteer activities. I also plan to contact Deborah Warden as suggested by you and I appreciate your giving me her name.

Thank you for inviting me to visit your office. I will be in Oxford during autumn break, when I will call your office two weeks prior to explore if it would be convenient to schedule a visit.

I once again thank you very much for your help and advice. I look forward to meeting you in September.

Morgan Jeoffery

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Business Letters

Business thank you letter – to another company for assistance

M/s. Silverton Enterprises

78, Haddows Street

Nottingham NG76BP

Dear Sirs:

At the outset, we thank you very much for all the assistance you rendered to us when we were with you a couple of days in your town in connection with our proposal of setting up our business. It was indeed a great pleasure to be with you and taking all guidance and assistance that we were literally successful in paving basic infrastructure in setting up our business operations in your area. In all probability, our operations should get into full swing in a bout a fortnight’s time.

At this juncture, we request you to kindly visit us and let us have the pleasure of reciprocating our gesture. We are sure our mutual understanding and cooperation will go long way in promoting each other’s venture in their respective places and we look forward to your reciprocating spirit.

Thank you once gain,

Very truly yours

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