Professional Letters

Professional cover letter format

Sample Professional cover letter format

When you are planning to write a professional cover letter, you need to make sure that you follow the guidelines. It is always advised to follow the right format because the professional letter comes under the category of the formal letter. Unlike informal letter, anything and everything cannot be stuffed in the professional cover letter.

Make sure you start with your details on the left hand side. Like for instance:

Your name

Address; in the format city, state and ZIP code


After this, the follow up is the recipient’s address in the above-mentioned format only. The one thing that you should keep a special eye on while writing a professional letter is the salutation. The way you address the recipient and the way you put forth your point is very important. The body of the letter is divided into paragraphs, the minimum is three, but it could be pulled up to four as well. Make sure the language that is being used in the paragraphs is simple and in terms of content, make sure it sticks to the purpose of the letter.

The conclusion should be done in the right manner. Like for instance

Yours sincerely


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Professional Letters

Professional complaint letter

Sample Professional complaint letter

Katherine Jones

7896, 6th Avenue Street

Kansas, MU 53624

27 April 2010

The Manager

XYZ Pvt. Ltd

27 Kings Street

Boston, MA 20365
Dear Manager:

My name is Katherine Jones. I had picked up a game console from your company two weeks back. I had seen your advertisement on the television and based on that I had placed an order.

After placing the order, I was told I would get the product in a week’s time. The product came in late, it took about two weeks or more and to top it all, the product is damaged. The wire socket is broken.

I need to know what has to be done next. I am not sure, whether the damage was while it was being shipped or if there is any other problem. If the damage cannot be repaired and sorted, would you replace the game console or refund my money. Please reply to me as soon as possible.

Katherine Jones

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Professional Letters

Professional business letter template

Sample Professional business letter template

Contact Information (your details)

Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code
Your Phone Number
Your Email Address


Contact Information

City, State, Zip Code


Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

The Body of Professional Letter

Body of the letter is considered as one of the most important factors. You need to make sure that it is kept simple and short. In the first paragraph the purpose of the letter should be highlighted.

The second paragraph should fill in on the details and information related to your purpose or request.

The last paragraph should point on the reason based on which you are writing a letter. One should also thank the reader for looking into your letter.

Make sure you leave a one-line space between the paragraphs. Leave a single space between the letters and make sure you justify your letter.

Complimentary Close:

Respectfully yours,


Handwritten Signature

Typed Signature

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Professional Letters

Professional Application letter

Sample Professional application letter

12- C Apartment Buildings Dr.
Red burg, GH 45698
(565) 555-5555

April 22, 2009

Dr. Robert Jr. Brown
Principal, Kings Elementary School
4569 State Road
Venice, VA 45698

Dear Dr. Brown:

I am writing this letter to thank you for the lovely conversation we had on the 2nd of April about the Childhood Development Stages. The seminar did clearly state the points that need to be looked into both from the parents as well as the teacher’s ends.

I remember you had enquired about an applicant for the fourth grade. I have completed my B.Ed and I am looking forward to being employed for this job. I am available for the whole of the academic year as per your requirements. I have enough experience to prove myself to you and leave no room for disappointment.

I am well acquainted with the material that is used to educate the kids. I am looking forward to use my experience in coming up with the best methods of teaching. I am hoping to hear from you. Thank you for your consideration.

(handwritten signature)
Katherine Jones

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Professional Letters

Professional Donation letter

Sample Professional donation letter

Katherine Jones

52nd Avenue

Kansas, Missouri 56325

27th April 2010

Robert Brown


Civic Pvt. Ltd

Kansas, Missouri 56329

Dear Mr. Robert

I am Katherine. I am part of Red Cross Society, which is a social service organization. We at our end make sure that we reach out to all those people who are in need and try to help them in every possible way. We have recently bought a house for the homeless. The problem is that it is a very old house and requires major repair.

I am approaching you and your company to help us out as I have heard that you have done a lot for another such organization. I am hoping that we get some help from your end to make lives better for many homeless people.

Thank you so much for considering reading this letter. You can contact me on the above-mentioned number.

Yours sincerely

Katherine Jones


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Professional Letters

Professional letter

Sample Professional letter

27th April

Joan Bill


Bates High School

Dear Mr. Joan

Hello. I am Katherine and I am a teacher by profession. I had seen your advertisement in the newspaper yesterday. I really like your job offer. I am looking forward to know more about the job.

I have just shifted to Kansas. I have been working as a teacher for 5 years now in St. Mathews School. I have good amount of experience and I can assure you that am very good with kids. Considering your job opening is for a teacher at kindergarten level, I will be delighted to work in your school.

I am looking forward to hear from you. My contact details have been enclosed along with my resume. From my end, I can assure you that there will be absolutely no room of disappointment. I will give in my 100 percent to this job. Kids are always a delight to work with.

Thank you

Yours sincerely

Zeta Bones

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Professional Letters

Professional invitation letter

Sample Professional invitation letter

Robert Brown

21st Avenue

Kansas Missouri 45697

27th April 2010

Zeta Bones

26th street

Kansas Missouri 45623

Dear Ms. Zeta

Hi, I am Robert from the Growing Citizen Academy. We had a vision a couple of years ago to come up with programs that actually gets all the citizens to know their true potential.

We have programs for all age groups, but our target group has always been the teenagers. Considering that the teenagers can hold a lot of importance in the coming future, it is them who should get to know what hidden talents they have and enhance those skills. These programs are optional. There is no compulsion from any end to get into such programs. Many people come to us all by themselves. We have programs for duration of 6 months to two years. The student can choose a particular course that suits him the best.

We have been involved in this kind of work for over years now. So far, the journey has been great. However, we would want to invite you to be a part of our program. Your inputs will help us through the road and we would get to learn from your experiences.

Thank you

Yours sincerely

Robert Brown

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Professional Letters

Professional Introduction letter

Sample Professional Introduction letter

April 27, 2010

Professor William Dan
Executive Manager
Executive MBA Program
University of California
2569 Springs St., Suite 456
California, LA, L2O 5D6

Dear Professor Dan:

Firstly, I want to introduce you to the bearer of this particular letter, Ms. Samantha. She is an interior designer and I had mentioned this last week when we had met up over coffee.

As I have updated you earlier, Samantha is working on a particular study program at the university. Her course also involves internship programs. Practical exposure always helps. I would be very happy if someone from your end take up Samantha as of one of his or her assistant.

This way she would be able to gain more experience and use it in her program. She will also be able to hold enough knowledge that will help her in the end.

Thank you so much for considering this. I would be really honoured if you help us out with your co-operation.

Eric Cameron,
Senior Consultant

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Professional Letters

Professional letter format

When it comes to professional letters, the format is not as difficult to follow. The format for professional letters is same as any other formal letter. What one needs to understand is that letter is means to communicate. Even today, letters are considered as one of the modes of communication, be it through the internet or through postal services.

To start off with, the first thing that you should be certain about when you write a professional letter is the format. On the left hand side, the first thing that comes is the returning address or more so the ‘From’ address. Below which comes the date and is followed by the ‘To’ address. Make sure with that you also mention the designation or the title that the individual holds, like manager, assistant manager etc.

A good deal of emphasis should be paid on the body of the letter. You need to end the letter by thanking the reader for the time he spent looking into your letter. End your letter with your name and signature.

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Professional Letters

Professional letter of Intent

Sample Professional letter of intent

Samantha Jones

27th Avenue

Kansas Missouri 78965

27th April 2010

XYZ Company

The Manager

4th Boulevard Street

Kansas Missouri 78653

Dear Manager:

As discussed last week regarding the proposal of being associated with our business, we have gone through the details listed in the business proposal. We really liked what you are offering us. As the stakes are high, looking at the condition of the market, we are more than happy to work with you.

We are willing to invest the same amount of money as we had discussed. The other related areas and issues that need to be looked into, are nothing but a mere formality. We would like to meet up with you before we finally sign the deal.

We could carry forward this discussion over a cup of coffee. You have my contact details; please feel free to call me anytime. I am looking forward to hear from you. Thank you.

Yours sincerely

Samantha Jones

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