Announcement Letters

Graduation announcement letter

October 5, 2010

Julie Henderson

Parkgate Road

Chester, CH2 4BJ

Dear Mom,

How are you and dad doing?  I hope you are all fine there.  As for me, I have good news to share with everyone.  Just yesterday, my major professor has informed that I have passed all my courses and will be graduating!  The graduation is set on April at the university auditorium.  I am so happy to finally finish my undergraduate degree.  Now, I am closer to my dream of becoming a doctor.

I have sent my application to medical schools.  I hope I get accepted so that our family could have its first doctor.  I am teary-eyed as I write this letter, especially as I remember the hard times that you and Dad had to endure raising us up.  Better times are coming for us at last.

I could hardly wait to see you here on graduation day.  Regards to everyone!



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Announcement Letters

Employment Announcement Letter

July 29, 2010


Literature Department

University of London

New Cross

London, SE15 6NW

Subject:  Dr. Vanessa Evans to be new professor

Dear staff,

I am happy to inform you that Dr. Vanessa Evans will be one of your faculty starting next month.  Dr. Evans will be teaching literature courses as well as be involved in a current research grant.  Dr. Evans is a graduate of this university from her undergraduate to doctorate degree.  She worked for five years in the United States and decided to return to the country last year.  Dr. Evans has a wide range of experience in the field of literature and teaching, having attended several trainings here and abroad.  Some of her works have already been published and she is working on a new book on new teaching techniques.  I am sure that you will find Dr. Evans a worthy addition to the department.

Let us all welcome Dr. Evans in the department.


Prof. Mark Higgins

Head, Literature Department

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Acceptance Letters

Interview Acceptance Letter

Ian King

Kingdom Company

Bell Street

Dundee, DD3 1HG

July 25, 2010

Bernard Diamond

New Image Publishing


Dear Sir,

I received your letter dated July 20 regarding your request for an interview with me about the new developments in the company.  I would like to inform you that I am accepting the request and will be available for interview on August 5 between 2:00-4:00 PM at my office.  Please arrive on the dot as I will not be able to accommodate you at another time.  I also request you to e-mail a copy of the questions you would like to ask at least a week prior to the interview to give me time to prepare the needed information.

I have been regularly subscribing your magazine and have found it a useful guide in advancements in the field.  I hope we will have a fruitful interview on the subject matter.

Thank you.


Ian King

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Acceptance Letters

Acceptance Letter For Being a Speaker

August 2, 2010

Dr. Frank Hughes


Society of Biology


Dear Sir,

I am grateful for your invitation to be one of the speakers at the Annual Conference of the UK Society of Biology on September 10, 2010.  I have been an active member of the organization since graduating from college and I have regularly attended conferences in the past.  It is an honor for me to a speaker at this year’s conference to share my knowledge and insights on the topic, “The future of biotechnology under globalization.”

I am happy to hear that there will be more than 1,000 participants to this year’s conference.  The organization is indeed growing and attracting more professionals in the field thanks to your group.  I will be arriving an hour before my scheduled talk.  Please ensure that my logistical needs for the speech will be ready.

See you at the conference.

Faithfully yours,

Dr. Julia Morgan

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Acceptance Letters

Scholarship Acceptance Letter

September 1, 2010

Emma Beckett

Roll Number 348 – A

Department of Science

University of Aston

Birmingham, B16 2LF

Dear Ms. Beckett,

This letter is to notify you of your acceptance to the Oxford Annaul scholarship program 2010-2011 which you have applied for last year.  We have attached a list of additional requirements that you must submit not later than one week after receipt of this letter.  Failure to submit the documents will nullify your candidature.

As stated in our application form, you will be availing of the scholarship as long as you are meeting the required grade percentage in each semester.  The scholarship will be discontinued if you fail to meet the grade requirement.

Should you decide not to enter the scholarship program, please inform us immediately so your slot can be given to other qualified students.  If you are interested in the scholarship, process your papers promptly.

For any inquiries, please contact the academic department concerned.

Wishing you all the best in your studies!

Truly yours,

Daniel Wales

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Acceptance Letters

Contract Acceptance Letter

February 1, 2010

Andre Beckett

Vice President- Sales & Marketing

Beckett Company

London, SW3W 8JA

Dear Mr. Beckett,

Good day!

In behalf of Emily Clothing Co., I am pleased to inform you the company’s acceptance of your contract for the provision of 1,000 tons of men’s and ladies’ wear under the brand name Sarah’s.  Attached herewith is a catalogue of our products and their respective brochures for your reference.

Based on our earlier talks, we will await the necessary legal documents of your company.  These legal formalities must be completed before we can decide the internal terms and conditions.  Let us have a meeting of the departments concerned on February 25 at our main office to further discuss the details of the contract.

Please forward legal documents to our Legal Department at least one month before the scheduled meeting.  For inquiries, you may contact us at (020) 7823 4441.

Thank you.  We look forward to a fruitful business relationship with you.


Emma Wales

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Acceptance Letters

Job Acceptance Letter

Elizabeth Watson

Dartmouth Park Road

London, NW5 1SU

August 25, 2010

Daniel Oxford
New Heights Company
London, SW2 1LS

Dear Sir,

Warm greetings!

I received formal communication from your office regarding the position you are offering me based on my application.  It gives me great pleasure to accept the job of Project Supervisor in the New Heights Company.

I anticipate a successful career in your company.  I have already reviewed the tasks that the job entails and I know that I am fully-equipped to handle the job.  I hope I will prove to be an excellent addition to your company.

I am available and willing to start working as Project Supervisor on September 1, as we have agreed in our talks beforehand.  I will be submitting the additional documents required by the Human Relations staff within the week.

Thank you for this good opportunity.  I look forward to working in one of the leading manufacturing companies in the country.


Elizabeth Watson

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Acceptance Letters

School Acceptance Letter

Admission’s Office

University of Aberdeen

Regent Walk


AB24 3FX

April 12, 2010

Emily Walker
Crown Street


AB12 6JD

Dear Ms. Walker,

After thoroughly reviewing your application and the results of the entrance examination, I would like to inform you that you have been accepted into the Bachelor of Science in Biology program of the university for the academic year 2010-2011.  Our BS Biology program is one of the best in the country and has received citations from organizations in the field of science.  The university fosters a good learning environment and encourages its students to excel through venues in and out of the country.

Please find attached a complete brochure of the school and program, as well as a list of requirements you must provide to complete your admission.  Submit your requirements to the Admissions Office no later than June 1.

Wishing you the best,

Mr. Daniel Smith

Dean of Admission

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