Admission Letters

Journalism Fellowship Letter

November 5, 2010

Ms. Nina Jones:

The California Circle of Journalists would like to inform you that you have been chosen as one of the participants in the upcoming Journalism Fellowship Workshop 2010. This is a big annual activity sponsored by the California Circle of Journalists to provide free training to journalists in the area. This is to help you to be equipped with the skills you need in covering your beat. We are impressed with your track record as a journalist, and we would like to invite for this great opportunity to expand your journalistic skills.

The fellowship training will be on December 5-7, 2010 at our main office. Food, accommodation, and training kits will be provided by the California Circle of Journalists. Should you have any questions, you can send your queries to

We look forward to meeting you soon!


Andrea Peterson


California Circle of Journalists

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Admission Letters

Public Administration Graduate School Letter

November 3, 2010

Dear Ms. Katlyn Smith:

We are pleased to announce that you have passed the admission exam for the Master’s Degree Program of Public Administration at the University of California. We would like to inform you that you are required to attend an orientation on November 22, 2010 10am at the auditorium where you are going to meet your classmates and professors. This is a great opportunity for you to meet whom you will be interacting with.

If you have any questions, you can call us directly. In case there is a conflict with the above schedule, please notify us immediately.

We wish you good luck in this academic endeavor.


Cleofe Anderson


College of Public Administration

University of California

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Admission Letters

Admission Letter of Deferment

Prof. Harold Simmons


College of Communication

University of California

Dear Prof. Simmons:

This is reference to the letter your office has sent me last week telling me that I successfully passed the admission exam for the post graduate degree in Media Studies offered by the university. While I am really elated about this news, I would like to defer my slot in the said post graduate studies degree program for some financial restraints.

We had a family problem that concerns our financial status that would hamper my enrollment in the university. I have checked the available scholarship programs offered under my chosen degree, but unfortunately, the slots are already filled up. Hence, I need to wait for the next semester to have a chance to get a full scholarship.

I am really interested in pursuing a post graduate degree in Media Studies, and I do not want that opportunity to slip away. Hence, I am asking for your kind consideration on this matter.

Sincerely yours,

Kathy Bennett

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Acceptance Letters

Board Member Nomination Letter

Dear Ms. Nina Martin,

I recently got a notice about my nomination to the board member post, which was filed by you. I would like to express my gratitude and honor after you have chosen me to be your nominee. It is with much pride that I accept the nomination you have submitted to the election committee.

While my nomination to be a board member of the Alumni Association is a huge source of pride, I assure you that I will do my very best to prove to the other members of the organization that your nomination is not a waste. I hope to work hand-in-hand with you as we work on the reforms that the organization needs to better achieve our goals and mission as a group.

Thank you, and I would like to express my utmost gratitude for the trust you have given me.

Best Regards,

Mark Smith

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Nomination forms 

Acceptance Letters

Journalism Seminar Letter

Dear Ms. Andrea Williams:

I recently received a letter from your school paper inviting me to be one of your speakers in the upcoming Journalism Seminar and Workshop for your school organ staff. It is with much pride and honor that I accept your invitation for me to facilitate the New Writing workshop part.

I also served as one of the editors of The Pillars, your school organ since I am an alumna of your school. I hope this seminar and workshop would serve as a venue for me to meet the current staff of the paper and also learn something for their end.

I hope this workshop would serve as place where both the facilitators and student-journalists can learn something from each other.  May I just request someone from your group to pick me up somewhere as I am not anymore familiar with the place? I hope this would not be much of a hassle on your part.

I will see you all next week!


Margaret Wright

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Acceptance Letters

Baptismal Invitation Letter

Dear Christine,

This is regarding the invitation you have sent last week inviting me and my husband Harold to grace the baptismal of your daughter Tricia. It is with great gratitude that I accept your invitation. I would like to accept your offer to be one of Lean’s godmother.

I know how Lean has brought so my joy and hope to you and your husband Anthony. I am really eager to be one of Lean’s second parents and guide her through the years.

Expect me and Harold to be there on Sunday at exactly 10am as instructed on the invitation you have sent. I wish you all the best most especially now that you have a daughter to nurture and care for. I can’t wait to be a part of this wonderful milestone of your life as a first-time mom. I hope to see you and our old friends on Sunday.

Best Regards,


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Invitation Letters

Baby shower invitation letter

September 21, 2010

Simone Webley

Milton Keynes, MK6 9AA

Dear Simone,

How are you these days?  I received the latest pictures of your kids that you sent last month.  They are all grown up now!  How time flies, especially if you are a mother – all of a sudden your baby is going to school.

Finally, I may also experience the joys and pains of motherhood.  After two years of being married, the Lord has finally blessed us with a baby.  I am seven months pregnant now with my first baby, and the latest ultrasound shows that it is a boy.  We are excited already and getting ready for his coming into the world.

We are gathering some friends and relatives in a baby shower on October 20 at the Superb Restaurant.  We really hope you could come and share in our joy.  I know that you have lots of stories to share with me, especially about the pains of labor and giving birth.  Do come with the kids.

Wishing to see you soon,


Racquel Bean

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Inquiry Letters

Unsolicited inquiry letter

April 2, 2010

Dr. Arthur Reynolds

Gower Street

London, WC7E 6BT

Dear Dr. Reynolds,

I am a journalism professor at the London College.  I read your article, “The impact of internet media on local newspapers,” which was published in the national magazine, Media Eye, last month.

I write to you because I am interested in the conclusions in your article which you based on a survey of local newspaper owners and readers.  I am currently working on a study about the effects of technological advancement to the media scene.

Thus, I would like to find out the methods you used in your survey to make them as a basis for drafting my methodology for my study.  I hope to be able to make a comprehensive survey to check which views are more generally shared in the country.

If it is feasible, can you discuss the details of your your methodology?  Allow me to pay your mailing expenses.

Thank you for your time.  I will acknowledge your help in my study.


Prof. Nicholas Grant

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Inquiry Letters

Product inquiry letter

September 9, 2010

Mr. Fidel Englebert

Organic Vegetable Growers Association

Company, Address

Dear Mr. Englebert,

I am Mr. Keith Liekerman, marketing representative of Vegetables Supreme.  We are interested in purchasing and selling your product, organic vegetables, in our grocery store.  We read your promo materials regarding the products that are currently being sold at special discounted prices.

We would like to inquire some details about your product:

  1. Where are the vegetables grown and how do you ensure that they are organically grown?
  2. Would you be able to supply vegetables that you do not have now but we would specify?
  3. Would you be able to provide a regular supply of vegetables delivered fresh everyday?
  4. How much are the wholesale prices of the vegetables and how much discount can we avail?

I would be happy to talk to you about the details of your product as we hope to add organic vegetables to our grocery soon.  Please contact me at 020 8805 8367.

Thank you.


Mr. Keith Liekerman

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Inquiry Letters

Service inquiry letter

February 10, 2010

Mr. Barry Jones

Marketing Head

Sure Suppliers, Inc.

London, E5 9LB

Dear Mr. Jones,

The London Hotels, Co. is a medium-sized company with three branches in the country.  Our hotels and restaurants have a mediterranean theme and thus, we require large amounts of fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, and other ingredients and condiments everyday.  Our supplies have to be fresh and delivered every other day with the kind and amount of orders varying each time depending on the customers.

We are currently looking for suppliers that could meet our demands.  We have seen your company’s advertisements and we are thus interested in knowing more about your services.  Please call me at 020 8539 6989.  I hope we could discuss details about the source of your food supplies as well as arrangements for delivery that you offer.

Thank you.  We hope to hear from you soon.


Ms. Margaret Smithson

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