Certification Letters

Self Certification Letter


Janet Dailey

Head, Energy Resources Conservation Ltd


Subject: self Certification Letter

Respected Madam,

I hereby certify that in lieu of your agreement to enable me to shift from established method of farming practices to more environment-friendly and organic farming practices, I shall completely accept the norms that you lay down. In return for your funds and abundant assistance to me in helping make this shift, I shall produce organically generated food, and eschew genetically modified crops and seeds.

In case I do not follow through on this self certification, I risk giving up the funds and other assistances you shall favor me with, and I can also be made party to suits in the court of law. I agree to be amenable to checks and regulations in exchange for your assistance. In case of any malpractice on my part, I run the risk of having to repay you monetarily for the damages caused. Thanking you,

Jason Hart,

34 CKH Estate Scheme


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