Certification Letters

Medicare Certification Letter


Bellevue Hospitals Pvt. Ltd.

Strand Bank Road,

New York

Subject: Renewal of Medicare Certification

Respected Sir,

This is to inform you that your Medicare Certification has been renewed. It will be in effect from 10th June 2012 to 9th June 2022. The original Medicare Certification was numbered 32756545 and it terminated on 10th of June 2011. Attached with this renewal of certification letter is a document containing the analysis of the performance of your hospital in our qualifying tests.

Renewal of Medicare Certification is subject to compliance with all the modules contained in article 87[B] of our Policy document. This should be completed as soon as the date of termination approaches. All the terms and conditions contained in the renewal document must be read. In case of any discrepancies, please contact out Head Office at 23 Redwood Street, New York. We wish you luck in your noble endeavors.

Thanking you,

Jason McCarthy

Executive Director and Chief Medical Officer

Centre for Medicare and Medicaid Services

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