Name of Sender,
Address of Sender,
Name of Recipient,
Address of Recipient,
Dear Mr.
Sub- Legal letter for the collection of bills
Ref- Contract with you to act as dealers for us
I with this letter would like to give legal notice under the Act (mention the section and Act of state laws) for the collection of bills due to various customers.
You have been acting as dealer for us for last two years and during this duration of contract of dealership you made various sales.
Though you have made good sales but could not be able to collect payments from various customers. We have already sent you several reminders in this regard but you did not give us suitable response.
As a result we have been taking a legal step by sending this legal notice for the collection of bills. We are giving you 15 days time for the collection of 50% pending bills and of 30 days for collection of all bills.
We hope that you will take this notice in your due consideration and will take appropriate action to avoid further legal action against you.
Thank You,
Name of sender