Welcome Letters

Landlord Welcome Letter


Fred Black


5-g, first floor, Markson square,

Kell tower, London


Date: 3rd Nov 2011

Subject: Welcoming you to you new house

Dear Mr. Black,

Hi, i am writing this letter to welcome you to your new abode. I wish you a warm welcome to Kell Tower’s house number 5 of the g block. This particular flat is my most favourite one and welcoming you in it makes my heart feel so good and positive about your stay here. I, as a rule treat my tenants with warmth and friendliness and would like to tell you that you are free to ask me for any favours during your stay here. My main aim is for you to feel comfortable and satisfied with this house.

All the details about the flat have been mentioned in the contract but I would like to still inform you that electricity and water supply are free in this house but you would have to arrange for your internet connection and other facilities yourself. You are not allowed to play loud music in the house as it might cause disturbance to the neighbours.

Hope you have a great stay in your new house. Wish you a warm welcome

Your Landlord

Graeme Smith

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