Welcome Letters

Gym Membership Welcome Letter


Barry Mathews

River Street, F block, 1st house



5th May 2012

Subject: Welcoming you to our gym as a member

Dear Mr. Mathews

I, Peter Pettigrew, the founder of Harold Gold Gym, London would like to inform you that we have accepted your membership application for the batch of July to September package.  We are so pleased to open the doors of our gym for you and welcome you to use the exceptional and superior equipments present at our gym. Harold’s Gold Gym is a mark of excellence and can accommodate about 50 members at the same time.

It is our absolute pleasure to know that you are a gymming enthusiast and would like to take help of our trainers for body building and physical fitness. Before joining the gym, you would need to visit the West London’s branch of the gym to complete the formalities and to make an advance payment of half the amount which is $100. You would also need to sign the contract which shall bind you for the next three months.

We would again like to express how glad we are to have you. Hoping to see you soon at the gym.

Thanking you

Peter Pettigrew

Harold Gold Gym

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