Decline Letters

Decline Letter for Job


Matthew Hayden,

Oscar Apartments

32 Hilly Mountain Street,

New Hampshire

United Kingdom

Reason: Decline letter for job

Respected Mr. Hayden,

This letter is in regards to the job interview that you had appeared for the position of customer service executive in our organization. We would like to inform you that you have not been selected for the job as you did not met few necessary criteria.

You had appeared for interview at the consultant’s office and the interview was taken by our operations manager. Our operation manager found that you lack important skills required for the position of a customer service executive. We consider these skills essential for the specific position. We are also looking for graduates and you are still an undergraduate.

I hope you understand the reason for not selecting you for the specific position. We wish you all the best for your future.


Lenny Ben

HR Manager

Lucas Foundation

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