Decline Letters

Decline Letter for Job Offer


Henry Cooper,

Maria Villa Apartments

21 Rocky Mountain Street,

New Hampshire

United Kingdom

Reason: Letter to inform decline of job offer

Respected Mr. Cooper,

This letter is in regards to the job offer that we had given you for the position of assistant manager. We would like to inform you that the job offer has been declined due to non submission of necessary documents.

You had appeared for the final interview on 10th of December 2011 in our organization. You were selected for the job and were given the offer letter on that same day. We had asked you to submit the necessary documents within forty eight hours, failure of which would lead to cancellation of the job offer. You have failed to submit the documents within the required  forty eight hours.

I hope you understand the above action justified. We also regret in writing this letter to you.


Jane Austen

HR Executive

Long Goods

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