Certification Letters

Company Certification Letter

Nancy Parker

23/4, Old Park Road

Birmingham, UK

18th Feb 2012

Subject: Certification Letter for Nancy Parker

To whomsoever it may concern,

I am writing this letter to certify that Ms. Nancy parker has been an employee of our organization, ABC Pvt. Ltd. since the last two years. She has worked in the operations department on the post of Operations Manager.

Ms. Parker is well qualified and skilled in her work. The information regarding her educational qualification and work experience that she shared with us at the time of joining the organization are all authentic. She has been a hardworking and dedicated employee.

Besides this, Ms. Parker has always been at forefront during any event organized by the organization and never hesitated to undertake any additional responsibility even if it meant extending her shift hours. She also bears a good moral character and has been an asset for out company.


Tom Johnson

Head HR Department

Abc Pvt. Ltd.

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