Charity Letters

Charitable Client letter


Mr Peter,

Blossoms NGO,

New Jersey


Mr Parker,

A-1, Parker Villa,

New Jersey

Dear Mr Parker,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and prosperity. The letter has surfaced for the need of your support for the efforts of the NGO. The NGO acknowledges your support which has always been there and thoroughly one of the major factors responsible for the success of our efforts. Blossoms NGO has planned to organise an exhibition. This exhibition shall elucidate the work of specially-able kids.

The items to be displayed portray the excellence and efficiency imparted by the kids and the exhibition shall help to gather more support and donations for the betterment of the life of these people. The NGO is need of funds for organising this exhibition and hence, I, hereby, put forward a plea for your support and charity. I am hopeful that you shall help the NGO accomplish the task which it has undertaken hoping for a favourable and quick response from your side,

Yours faithfully,

Mr Peter

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