Retirement Letters

Poetic Romantic Letter


Elizabeth Candow,



London, DD7

16th January, 2012

Dear Love Eliza,

I have been holding my breath to tell you how much I love you and what you mean to me. My love for you is just like the twilight of the stars and the moon. Without you Oh! My dear even the best of things in this world mean nothing to me.

The very reason why am I alive is only for you. For me you are as bright as a star and as lovely as the rising sun. Without you I feel that there has been no sunrise or no stars in the sky. I love you so much that I would spend the rest of my life in your lovely companionship. I will always be there by your side in every situation of your life.

I am truly, madly, deeply in love with you and you are the angel of my life.

Your love,


Retirement Letters

Retirement Letters

Retirement letter is an official letter of communication to inform the organization about your imminent retirement.  It is a formal letter and is generally addressed to the immediate superior who may then forward it to the HR department.  It is generally written about four to six weeks prior to the actual date of retirement.

Begin your letter by stating the reason for your writing which is your impending retirement.  Mention the date of retirement along with the post from which you are retiring.  Include particulars about medical and other relevant details including retirement benefits which you may be entitled to.

Take the opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate the co-operation of the people in your own and other departments.  As a gesture of goodwill offer to help your successor in any which way you can, to ensure a smooth transition.  After putting in a number of years of service, your help may prove invaluable to the organization during this period of changeover.

Before concluding, make sure to leave a communication address and contact numbers where the company can reach you.

Retirement Letters

Voluntary Retirement Letter


Mr. Anthony Christopher

Head HR Department

Beverley software Ltd

H-12, Fifth floor

Beverley, North Humberside

2 September 2011

Subject: Voluntary Retirement Letter

Dear Mr. Christopher

I would like to take a voluntary retirement from the position of Chief Administration Manager from Beverley software Ltd. It has been 20 years since I joined this organization. I really enjoyed working with this esteemed organization which provided me the best opportunity to learn and grow. Even though I still have 5 more years of my service left in the organization but I would like to get a voluntary retirement before that.

I have some medical complications due to which I would like to get the voluntary retirement. I have completed all my family responsibilities and its time that I take care of my health for a healthy living. I believe that you will respect my decision and will grant me the voluntary retirement which should be effective from the end of this month.

Thanking you

Louis Parker

Chief Administration Manager

Retirement Letters

Best Wishes Retirement Letter


Mr. Edward Joy

Head Quality and Operation Management

Camberley software Ltd

H-2, Fifth floor

Camberley, Surrey

12 September 2011

Subject: best wishes retirement letter

Dear Mr. Howard

We would like to congratulate you on your retirement from the position of Head Quality and Operation Management from the Camberley Software Ltd. Though we are all deeply saddened that we will have to work without your supervision, still we would like to wish you all the very best for the beginning of this new era of your life. You were the mentor and the guide for most of us. All of us have learnt a lot under your influential supervision.

We are very happy that after 26 years of hard work now you will be able to spend some quality time with your family and friends. All our best wishes are with you for this new start and we hope that you enjoy each bit of it.

Thanking you

David Philip

Manager Quality Team

Retirement Letters

Retirement Acknowledgement Letter


Mr. Philip Howard

Head Account Officer

Poole software Ltd

H-9, Fifth floor

Poole, Dorset

14 September 2011

Subject: retirement acknowledgement letter

Dear Mr. Howard

I would like to acknowledge the receipt of you retirement letter which came to me on 10th September 2011. As you have completed 25 years of your work from the position of Head Account officer in Poole software Ltd, we accept your retirement proposal. Even though the management believes that it would be great if you continue working for some more time with us, they have respected your wish to take the retirement.

It was a pleasure working with you in this organization .Your hard work and dedication got you many awards and recognition in past 25 years. You have been a great asset to the organization and we are definitely going to miss your presence around us. Kindly keep in touch even after you leave the organization.

Thanking you

Deborah Peter

Head HR department

Retirement Letters

Retirement Letter to Friend


Mr. Brian J. Thomas

Head HR Department

Bradford software Ltd

A-9, First floor

Wallington, Surrey

22 September 2011

Subject: Retirement Letter to Friend

Dear Mr. Thomas

I would like to inform you that I am retiring from the position of marketing head from our company Bradford software Ltd. My retirement will be effective from 30th September 2011 of this year. I enjoyed working with you in the same organization. You are not only my colleague but a great companion. You always stood by me in all the ups and downs. Throughout my tenure in this organization I kept receiving your love and support.

I would request you to stay in touch with me even after I leave this organization. I am going to enjoy the new era of my life, but I am going to miss the quality times I spent with you at my work place.  Please feel free to contact me for any support or help.

Thanking you

James Howard

Retirement Letters

Retirement Letter to Client


Mr. Peter George

Head Purchase department

Elgin software Ltd

A-9, First floor

Elgin, Morayshire

4 September 2011

Subject: Retirement Letter to Client

Dear Mr. George

I am retiring from the position of senior product supplier from Gland Group of companies. My retirement will be effective from 15th September 2011 of this year.  Before leaving I would like to thank you for constantly buying various products from our company. It was indeed a pleasure working with you. You have always worked on fair terms and I feel myself lucky to have you as my client.

You have been very supportive and co-operative in terms of product deliveries and payments. We would like to continue serving you in the future as well. I am sending the details of the person who will be joining in my position. You can get in touch with him for future correspondences.

Thanking you

Paul A. Joy

Senior Product Supplier

Retirement Letters

Retirement Letter to Colleague


Mr. Anthony George

Head HR Department

Bradford software Ltd

A-9, First floor

Bradford, West Yorkshire

14 September 2011

Subject: Retirement Letter to Colleague

Dear Mr. George

I would like to congratulate you on your retirement. The times spend with you in Bradford software Ltd was a great learning experience for me. You were not only a colleague but a true guide as well. At times of distress you stood by me as a true companion. I believe that getting a colleague like you is a great fortune. Please accept my sincere thanks for the encouragement and assistance you provided me as a colleague in Bradford software Ltd.

I wish you all the best for the new commencement of your life. I know that you will make the best use of this quality time with your friends and family. Just stay in touch so that I can get your help and affection even after you leave this organization.

Thanking you

Deborah Pollard

Retirement Letters

Retirement Congratulations Letter


Mr. Daniel Thomas

Head Marketing Department

Ruislip software Ltd

G-7, First floor

Ruislip, Middlesex

14 September 2011

Subject: Retirement Congratulations Letter

Dear Mr. Thomas

I would like to congratulate you on your retirement on behalf of the entire marketing team. You were the great support and a mentor for the entire team. We all enjoyed working under your guidance and directions. We are indeed happy that after the hard work of 25 years with this organization, now you are getting this opportunity to spend time with your family.

We would request you to stay in touch so that we can ask for any help as and when needed. We all will be attending your farewell party to bid you good bye. All our best wishes are with you. We hope that you enjoy this new era of your life with your family and loved ones.

Thanking you for all your support and supervision.

Angela Daniel

Marketing Manager

Retirement Letters

Writing a Retirement Letter


Mr. Karen Christopher

Head HR Department

Manchester software Ltd

G-13, First floor

Manchester, Greater Manchester

14 January 2011

Subject: Retirement Letter

Dear Mr. Christopher

I would like to inform you that I am retiring from the position of HR manager from Manchester software Ltd. My retirement will be effective from the 31st January 2011 of this year. In the last couple of years I received some great professional opportunity from this organization. I sincerely believe that Manchester software Ltd is indeed a great place to work and learn. Everyone in the team supported and guided me in this tenure. I owe all those awards and recognition to the organization and its beautiful working culture.

This retirement will give me the opportunity to begin a new chapter of my life. I would request you to let me know if anything I can do before leaving or even after leaving for this esteemed organization.

Thanking you

Angela Pollard