Permission Letters

Permission Request Letter


Mr. Robert Kinsley

Permission Editor

Florida Books and Publication Ltd

B-20, sixth floor

River Avenue

Jacksonville, Florida

19th May 2012

Subject: permission request letter for republishing the book on child psychology

Dear Mr. Kinsley

We congratulate you for the great success of your recent publication of the book on child psychology. We are seeking for your permission to republish this book for the local child care centres located in our area. We have some writers who will be modifying the content of the book to make it precise for the readers. But we will make use of the published pictures in the similar way.

In case you do not have the copy right for the book then please provide us the information as to from where can we get the same. In case of any other sort of objection please feel free to contact us, so that we can resolve the issue.

We wish to get your support for the benefit of the children.

Thanking you

Bill Mathews

ABC Child Centre.

Permission Letters

Parents Permission Letter


Michel Smith

4/21 Charles Road

Birmingham, London,


Date: 26th January 2012

Subject: Permission for participation in Research Project

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing this letter to seek your permission for including your son, Chris Smith in the research project which would involve visiting some historical buildings after the school for the next one month. These visits would be scheduled thrice a week and your child would be accompanied by a senior teacher and few of his other classmates who too have been selected for this project.

I would like to inform you that we have chosen a total of 8 students for this project and your son is one of them. He is quite intelligent and taking part in such projects would enhance his knowledge and skills.

We would request you to please grant him the permission to be a part of this project. We anticipate a positive response from your end.

Thanks and Regards,

Rachael Brown

Greenfield Elementary School

Permission Letters

Copyright Permission Letter


Andrew Brown
British Publications
44 New Hamilton Road
Birmingham, London


Date: 26th January 2012

Subject: Request for copyright permission

I would like to introduce myself as Sophia Adams, Sr. faculty member at the Abc University. I recently came across your content on techniques of marketing on the Xyz website. I found the content very useful for my students and am thus writing this letter to you to seek your permission to include this content in our curriculum.

We would like to take the Copyright permission for the entire content on techniques of marketing written by you. This includes around 10 pages. Kindly let us know if this letter would be enough for you to provide this permission or you would want us to fix up a meeting for discussing other formalities for issuing the copyright permission.

I anticipate a positive response from your end.

Thanks and Regards,

Sophia Adams

Abc University

Permission Letters

Permission Letter for Industrial Visit


Angela James

Industrial Manager,

JBK Group of Industries

Main Hamilton Road

Cane Island, Florida

Date: 26th January 2012

Subject: Seeking permission for Industrial Visit

Respected Ma’am,

I am writing this letter to seek your permission for the visit at your industry based in New Industrial Area, Cane Island on the 5th of February. I would like to share that we have planned this industry visit for our Industrial management students in order to give them an insight about the way things work in the real life scenario.

There would be a total of 20 students accompanied by a faculty member from our college. The visit is aimed at enhancing their knowledge. We intend to take a round of the entire industry and show the tasks handled in different departments to our students.

I hope you will allow us the opportunity to visit your industry and meet your skilled staff. I anticipate a positive response from your end.

Thanks and Regards,

George Parker

LMN Institute of Management

Permission Letters

Parental Permission Letter


Ms. Mary D’silva

Springfield Elementary School

45 Charles Street

North Region, Greater London,


Date: 26th January 2012

Subject: Permission to go on the school picnic

Dear Ms. Davis,

I am writing this letter to grant permission to my daughter, Rachel Johns to go on the school picnic to the Abc Adventure Park along with her teachers and classmates on 31st January.

I am given to understand that we would be required to drop our daughter to the school at 8 am and she would be back by 6:30 pm. We have been informed that she would be taken to and brought back from the picnic by a qualified and well trained bus driver and would be accompanied by you and other responsible teachers who would take care of the students. I am granting the permission based on this information.

Also enclosed with this letter is the amount to be submitted for the picnic.

Thanks and Regards,

Angela Johns

Permission Letters

Permission Giving Letter


JBC Hospital

24 North Avenue

Harley Road

Birmingham, London,


Date: 26th January 2012

Subject: Permission for sharing Medical Reports with another doctor

To whomsoever it may concern

I, George Adams am giving written consent to Dr. Arnold Davis to share my medical reports with Dr. James Mathews. I am undergoing medical treatment at the XYZ Hospital and issuing this letter to my doctor to share any of my medical records including CT scans, X-rays, MRI reports, Blood reports and any other medical test reports associated with this treatment.

I am giving this consent as Dr. Arnold Davis is keen on taking a second opinion about my reports and the treatment I would be undergoing in the next couple of days. Though I trust Dr. Arnold Davis completely, however I would like to notify that these medical reports should not be used for any other purpose.

Thanks and Regards,

George Adams

Permission Letters

Permission Letter Example


Sam D’silva,

Sr. Manager

Bob Enterprises Ltd.

8/45 Park Lane

North Region, Greater London,


Date: January 25th 2012

Subject: Permission for Extension of project deadline

Respected Sir,

I, John Parker have been working with you since the last two years. I have undertaken various projects of your company and worked on them with full dedication and hard work to complete them successfully. I have always managed to submit quality work before the deadline specified by you.

However, this time due to some unavoidable reasons, it would be difficult for me to submit my ongoing project on the date specified by you. I, therefore seek your permission to extend this project’s deadline by a week.

I apologize for not being able to complete the work on time. I hope you understand my situation and grant me the permission to submit the work at a later date. I anticipate a positive response from your end.

Yours sincerely,

John Parker

Permission Letters

Permission Letter Template


Name (Write the name of the person from whom the permission is to be taken)

Designation (Mention his/ her designation, if applicable)

Company (Mention the name of the company to which he/ she belongs, if applicable)

Address (Write down the complete address of the company)

City/ State (Write down the name of the city and state)

Date (Write down the date on which this letter is being sent)

Subject: Permission for ______________ [task for which permission is to be taken] on/ for/due to ______

Respected Sir/Ma’am (You may even write Mr. /Ms. /Mrs. Last Name)

I am writing this letter to take your permission for ________ [task for which permission is taken] on behalf of ________ [name of the person/department on whose behalf the permission is taken]. I hope you understand our need for _____ ____ _____ [reason for taking permission].

You have always supported us in every decision and I would be highly grateful if you allow us to ________ [task] this time as well.

I anticipate a positive response from your end.

Thanking you,

Name (Mention the name of the sender)

Designation (Mention the designation of the sender, if applicable)

Permission Letters

Permission Letter Format


Name (Write the name of the person from whom the permission is to be taken)

Designation (Mention his designation, if applicable)

Company (Mention the name of the company to which he/ she belongs, if applicable)

Address (Write down the complete address of the company)

City/ State (Write down the name of the city and state)

Date (Write down the date on which this letter is being sent)

Dear Sir/Ma’am (You may even write Mr. /Ms. /Mrs. Last Name)

Subject: Write down the purpose of writing the letter. Mention it in not more than one sentence.

First Paragraph: Write down about the task for which you are seeking permission. Tell the recipient as to why the task holds importance for you and why he should grant you permission for the same.

Second Paragraph: Tell the recipient that you are looking forward to a positive response from him/ her and appreciate a quick response.

Thanking you,

Name (Write your name)

Permission Letters

Sample Permission Letter


Brandon Mark,

Project Head

Sam International

33 Cuba Road

Date: January 25th 2012

Subject: Permission for a Lunch/Dinner party on successful completion of project

Respected Sir,

I am writing this letter to take your permission for organizing a small party in our office on the successful completion of our latest project. As you are aware, we managed to complete our year long project last week and have received an approval mail for the same from the client yesterday. Our employees had been working hard on the project and it is now time to celebrate the efforts put in by each one of them.

I therefore, seek your permission for celebrating this accomplishment. I believe it is essential to rejuvenate and encourage our employees after such hard work and a small lunch or dinner party would be just right for this purpose.

I look forward to a positive response from your end.

Thanking you,

Paula Anderson

HR Executive