Application Letters

Website Designer Job Application Letter

Mr. David Watson

Human Resources Manager

MediaPro, Inc.

Dear Mr. Watson:

This is in response of the advertisement that appeared in The Richmond Times last August 31, 2010 stating your current need for a website designer. This is to manifest my intent to apply for the said position as I believe I have the necessary skills that I could contribute to your company.

I earned a degree in Computer Science in 2007 at the University of Richmond. After a year, I took a short course in basic website design to widen my knowledge in the field of website designing. Shortly after, I landed on my first job for a local webpage company in my town. I also did smalltime projects for a number of personal websites and blogs. I am attaching a portfolio and resume for your perusal. I am willing to prove my abilities if given a chance.

Should you have any question, you can directly contact me through my email address and phone number indicated in the resume.

Respectfully yours,

Carlo Russell

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