Fundraising Letters

Successful Fundraising Letter


Tony Roger

Managing Director

Hope Foundation Limited

34 Charlie’s Angel Road

New York, New Jersey 4567

Dated: 23rd of March 2012


Respected Mr. Roger,

This letter is in regards to the fundraising program that our organization had conducted in order to provide shelter and education to street children around the world. I would like to inform you that our fundraising program has been successful.

In order to create awareness about the fundraising program we had sent request letters to the top corporate organizations like yours around the world. We had also posted ads on websites and social networking sites. We have received positive response from the corporate organizations as well as the common people. We have managed to raise ten million dollars which I believe will be enough to help one thousand children.

I hope that you are pleased to get this information as it is a moment of success for our NGO.

Thanking you,

Jane Fonda

Fund Manager

Hope Foundation Limited

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