Credit Letters

Standby Letter of Credit


Orson Welles

Credit Department Head

Finance Bank of Credit

22 Rock High Road,

New Hampshire 6723

United Kingdom.

Subject: Letter to become a standby for the purchase made

Respected Mr. Welles,

I, Lenny Ben on behalf of Gas Garments Limited am writing this letter to request you to become a standby for the amount incurred by us to make purchase for our business transaction.

Our organization specializes is making fashion garments. In order to design our garments we need to purchase cotton cloth materials from various manufacturers. I hope that you must be knowing that there are ups and downs in business, so there may times we may be unable to pay the complete purchase amount to the manufacturer. In such cases it would be a relief if you stand as our last resort for making payment.

I would be obliged if you approve this request.

Thanking You,

John Smith

Sales Manager, Gas Garments Limited

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