Credit Letters

Revolving Letter of Credit


Roger Moore,

Head of Sales Department

Iron Scrap Suppliers

23 Hilly Billy Road

Leeds 4567

United Kingdom

Dated: 12th of November 2011

Subject: To approve revolving line of credit

Respected Sir,

This letter is in regards to the business transaction between your organization and ours. This  to inform you that we would like to request you to make the delivery of goods in multiple shipments instead of one so that the credit is revolving.

Our organization Steel Limited buys iron scraps from your organization in bulk once every year. We would like to purchase the iron scraps in parts as we may not be able to make the complete payment at one go. It will be convenient for us if there is a revolving line of credit.

I believe you will consider the long and healthy business relationship that we have since last ten years and approve our above request.

Yours sincerely,
Luke Wilson.

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