Introduction Letters

Sample Introduction Letter


Lewis Hamilton,

Eco-Dyes Manufacturer,

New Jersey 07660


Chris Atherton,

Lifestyle Décor Industry,

New Jersey 07605

Dear Chris,

This is to inform you that I have had a sample attached with this letter for your consideration for many of your products which require eco-friendly and nonpoisonous material.  Since your clientele includes many kids, our material will definitely be a positive turnaround for your business as a whole.  I, therefore, would like you to take a note of it and also do some research for further doubt clearance if any.  Our sample has tested all possible pre-requisite clearance from respective authorities and also has been recommended by Kids Safety Society.

This is to your knowledge that now-a-days many big industries are trying to take advantage of this method to uplift their business and generate greater profits.  You even need not be bothered about its cost, which is very much less compared to normal material being used.  For any type of queries, I am available for your help and together will make possibility to have a better relationship through this new venture.

Yours Truly,

Lewis Hamilton

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