Sales Letters

Sales Letter Format

Name of the Client


Company’s address,


Subject: [Describe your purpose in less than 10 words]

Dear\ Respected Sir\Ma’am,

[This is the most crucial paragraph. As here, you will inform why the company that you are approaching needs your company’s service. Keep it short and crisp. This paragraph will have to attract the client’s attention, so that he proceeds further. Refrain from exaggeration; do not try to make the client believe that his company is in a crisis]

[In this paragraph, you should precisely put forward, the ways in which your company can solve the afore-mentioned problem that you had brought under the client’s purview. Do not be spendthrift with words here. Do not make tall claims and approach the client with humility, remember they can always make out the authenticity of your promises by the way you speak.]

[Give your contact details. Sign off the letter on a positive note, and stress upon your USP once more before ending the letter.]

Thanking you,

Your name,



Name of your company


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