Professional Letters

Professional Appointment Letter


Mr. Margret Stephen

CEO, Stephen Group of Companies

F-3, third floor

Chester, Cheshire

5 May, 2012

Subject: professional appointment letter

Dear Mr. Stephen

We are looking for an appointment with someone from the purchase department to showcase the range of products we are offering. We are the manufacturers of various parts and materials which are used in the manufacturing of electronic goods. As your company is one of the biggest brands in the industry, we are looking for the opportunity to get associated with your organization.

Our sales head will be available on 8th of May, so if you can arrange an appointment with the concerned representative from your company, than that will give us the opportunity to give all the required details about our products. Please do let us know if we can fix this appointment along with the other necessary details.

We wish to have a long term alliance with your esteemed organization.

Thanking you

Ronald K. Philip

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