Promotion Letters

Police Promotion Letter

24 Mansfield Drive,
Manchester M23 4DJ.

64 Minehead Avenue
M20 1FW


Congratulations ! You have been promoted to the next level of police officer and on  this happy moment,  we express our wishes to you for having performed in an excellent manner in the past as police officer.

Your hard work, sincerity and dedication have given you this promotion and you definitely deserve it.  We feel so proud of you for having chosen this career and we are privileged to promote you to the next level of police officer.

Your new promotion letter detailing salary and benefits is enclosed herewith for your acceptance and confirmation.

Please report to the new duties within ten days and we wish to you achieving many more success in the near future.

We wish you all the very best and support you in all your endeavors and please feel free to contact us for any clarification or verification.

Congratulations once again and we wish you the very best,

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