Solicitation Letters

Patient Solicitation Letter


Mr. Gary James,

292 Woodrow Street,

Lawrence, Kansas

June 11, 2012

Subject: Solicitation letter requesting donation for new children’s clinic

Dear Mr James,

On behalf of New Bud Children’s hospital, I would like to thank you for taking out time to read this letter regarding our new children’s clinic at the hospital. As you know, there is a large number of patients waiting to be treated by our doctors every day and due to lack of space, medical professionals and inadequate resources, we often have to spend a lot of time and effort to make sure that every patient is treated, which can sometimes delay the treatment due to the large number of patients.

We have decided to create a new children’s clinic where patients will not only be provided with the required care, diagnosis and treatment, but a proper waiting area will also be created for them and the patients, which will reduce pressure on the current children’s clinic.

I would request you to kindly make a donation to the hospital that will help us in our efforts to create this new clinic. I hope you had a good experience with the doctors, nurses and administrators of New Bud Children’s Hospital.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely

Kathy Lewis

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