Fundraising Letters

Not For Profit Fundraising Letter

Dear Angela,

How are you? And how are the preparations going on for the final term? There is everything going good for me. However, this letter has a hint of desperation from my side. This desperation is to collect a humongous amount for a cause. The cause is to make a feeding area for all orphans in our locality. You might wonder that this task is too big for me to shoulder and I totally agree with you. Hence, I am urging for fundraising help to you. Little or more, whatever you feel like contributing, everything is welcomed.

Also, the urge continues for wooing as many people as possible for this fundraising campaign. I have acquired all the necessary permissions and the process is stuck for the supply of funds. A collective effort will see this endeavour converting into reality. I know you would not let me down as usual. Waiting for you help,

Yours friendly,


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