Leave Letters

Leave Letter to Manager


162, East End Rd,

London ,

N2 0RU


26 Haldon Avenue,

Teignmouth ,

Devon ,

TQ14 8LA


I am herewith submitting my leave letter for [no. of days] as I am writing my management program exams.   This will give me certification to take up more responsibilities and also to excel further in my job specification.

I request you to please grant me leave from [date] to [date] to write my exams. During my absence, my colleague [name] will be guiding you and helping you with my job responsibilities. I have handed over the in-charge temporarily to take care of my absence.

After the completion of leave, I shall be reporting to my duties from [date] onwards. In case of urgent requirement of any document or information, please contact me and I shall be prompt in giving response to you.

Thank you for this opportunity and also thank you for your cooperation. Kindly grant your approval for the leave and it will be a very good help for my career and future prospects.

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