Certification Letters

Job Certification Letter


Ms. Paula Parker

Student Care Dept.

St. Peters University

San Diego, CA

Subject: Job certification letter

Dear Ms. Parker

This letter certifies that Mr. John N Taylor is presently working with Garcia Network Enterprises. He has been working with us as desktop support technician. Now that he is considering Master’s degree in networking studies in your university, I request you to exempt him from some of the practical courses as he possesses the required knowledge from their examination point of view.

I am writing this letter to request you to consider him only for 3 modules out of six as for rest three he has the practical knowledge, which means he has to attend classes only thrice a week. He has worked on many projects from where he has gained hands on experience on the modules that he is going to study in this Master’s program. Please find attached the related documents for your perusal.

Kindly allow him to take classes only thrice a week and consider his experience as his knowledge about the course modules.


Mr. George K Anderson

HOD, Desktop Support

Garcia Network Enterprises

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