Appreciation Letters

Help Appreciation Letter


Draco DeNiro,

Western empire colony,



Mr. Nannes,

Stark colony,


Dear Mr. Nannes,

This letter is from the person you helped at the midnight hours of yesterday. The time was very unfortunate for us. The accident which occurred could have taken a face of fatal consequence if it was not for the help which you rendered. The desperate situation has made me helpless, especially the trauma of the accident not subsiding. The moment you stepped in for help proved to belief saving for my wife.

However, after getting involved in the formalities for getting all the medical assistance, the appreciation for help never materialized. This letter also comes with the apology of not appreciating your help right away. It was not very difficult to find your address from the records which the hospital maintains and since you were the person who made us enter the medical area, they had jotted your details. I just crossed over these details and sorted to this way of communicating.

Yours truly,

Draco DeNiro.

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