Appreciation Letters

Appreciation Letter Example


Mr. Bell,

Father of Julia


Mr. Lewinsky,

Swimming coach,

St. Thomas School

Dear Mr. Lewinsky,

I, Mr. Bell, father of Julia bell, want to exploit this opportunity of communication to appreciate the efforts which you have given in for the success of my child in the sport of swimming. Earlier, she has always been a good academic student. But she always refrained from sporting activities. Then, it was the persuasion from your side which made her enter the swimming sport. Everyone one is aware of the fact that persuasion is not the only thing required to succeed in any sport.

Besides the persuasion, the rendering of right kind of technique and methodology has resulted in such positive results for her sporting career. She has achieved considerably more that what I had expected from her, and it has been possible only because of the support which you have provided to her sporting career. In future, the continuation of brilliance in sport is expected from her and her coach.

Yours truly,

Mr. Bell.

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