Marketing Letters

Good Marketing Letter


Name of Addresser,



Name of Addressee,


Dear Sir/Madam,

From beginning of the first paragraph, make sure that you introduce yourself from which company you are from and what is the purpose of your letter.  A good marketing letter has ingredients directed towards marketing tools which a reader would be benefited in the most competitive market.  Also, there is a huge contention about the pricing of the product, but make sure that you sweetly tell the benefit of your product without placing your product against any specific product of the competitor.  There needs to be a mention for the quality of the material being used and its
eco-friendly nature if any.

Do bring in some benefits known to the reader as he goes for using your product or material.  Make a point here that your product will always bring same quality irrespective of circumstances.  This will make sure that the reader is satisfied at the very beginning of using the product with the facts.  At last, mention thanks to the reader and hope for his response in near future.

Yours Sincerely,

Your Name

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