Permission Letters

Giving Permission Letter


Mr. Thomas David

Sales Head, XYZ Pharmaceuticals Ltd

B-3, Fifth floor

Bridgton, East Sussex

12 January 2010

Subject: giving permission letter

Dear Mr. David

As per your previous correspondence for the permission to field travel for your work, I have seen all your reports. The abdominal surgery which you had was successful and as per your reports you have got a complete recovery from that surgery. Thus I am giving you the permission to travel for your work, as I see no reason to inhibit travelling for you. But I also recommend you to take the prescribed medication. You must also be careful regarding the precautions which are advised by your surgeon.

Please find attached the signed giving permission documents from my end. In case you require any other document from my end please feel free to contact me on my personal number. I wish you good luck for your field work.

Thanking you

Dr. Kelley Helen



Permission Letters

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