Welcome Letters

Employee Welcome Letter


Sophia Dawson

Marketing Manager

Marketing Department

ABC Enterprises

34 Circle Building

Cane Island, Florida

Date: 31st January 2012

Subject: Welcome to ABC Enterprises

Dear Ms. Dawson,

It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to our organization. We are glad that you would be joining our company as a Marketing Manager and are hopeful that you would be handling this position well.

Our management has not only selected you because of your qualification and knowledge about the industry but because of your zeal for work. We have been impressed with your sincerity and dedication towards work and look forward to working with you.

We have shared the news about your joining with our Marketing team and they too have extended their wishes for you. Our team would always be there to provide you support and assistance whenever required. I once again welcome you on the behalf of the entire team.

Thanks and Regards,

Mary Johns



Welcome Letters

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