Credit Letters

Credit Report Request Letter


Mr. Stanley Richard,


Credit Report Agency,

#8, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire,

London, WF12

Date : 25th March 2012

Subject : Request letter for issuance of credit report

Dear Mr. Stanley,

I am writing this letter to request for my credit report along with my financial information. I am herewith enclosing a demand draft for 50 pounds as processing fees for the issuance of the credit report. I am also enclosing along with this letter my passport copy along with proof of address for you to do the needful.

I need the credit report as soon as possible as I am applying for a mortgage loan and the mortgage agency needs my credit report for clearance of the loan. I have mis placed my earlier credit card statements when shifting my home recently and hence credit report is necessary from your agency for getting my loan application processed.

The mortgage agency has given me a deadline of one week to furnish the documents failing which my mortgage loan application will be rejected. I therefore request you to kindly process my request for credit report at the earliest and send it across to my address mentioned herewith.

Address : #1, Leeds, Yorkshire, London, London, LS6.

Thanking you in advance for a prompt service from your end.

Yours Sincerely,

Dorothy Stanford.

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