Charity Letters

Corporate Charity Letter


Mr Harrison,

General Manager,

The Mall,



Staff people,

The Mall,


Dear people,

This letter has come into effect to stimulate your ethical side. As you may be aware, The Mall has supported the working and functioning of Be Human NGO for a long time. This year the NGO has put in an endeavour to broaden the operational platform and for this purpose proper and substantial funds are needed. The Mall would be doing its part by putting for a modest helping hand for this cause.

However, the regular donations from The Mall may not be sufficient to fulfil the needs for this Year’s operation of the NGO. Hence, I, on behalf of the management of The Mall, put forward a plea towards the entire working staff to help us fulfil the fund requirements for the NGO. No one shall be forced to do any charity and every person is free to act according to his or her own conscience. I appeal everyone to Be Human.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Harrison

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