Confirmation Letters

Confirmation Letter for Interview


Christopher Mark

2019 Crew Street

South Avenue

Canopy lane,


18TH December 2011

Subject: Confirmation for the scheduled interview.

Dear Christopher,

I am writing this letter on behalf of Fortune Industries to confirm about your interview that is to be held for the post of General Secretary of our company.

The interview is slated to take place at 7:00 PM on 20th December 2011. You are required to report in Guest seminar hall with all the official certificates, an interview offer letter and other required documents. Before appearing for the interview, kindly refer to the terms and conditions of our industry, mentioned at the back of your interview offer letter.

We wish you a Good luck for your interview and request you to come by 7:00 PM, without any delay. Please respond and confirm your presence by replying to the letter.

Yours sincerely

Anthony Greger

Senior Manager

HR Department

Fortune Industries


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