Confirmation Letters

Confirmation Letter for Employee


Thomas James

13, Velvet Street

Las Vegas


18TH December 2011

Subject:  Job confirmation letter for the post of Assistant Accountant

Dear Thomas

This letter reaches to you as a confirmation that you can join us in our company from 27th December 2011 as an assistant in the accounting office. I hope this confirmation letter would make you happy and hence we are looking forward to achieve great output from you.

Please bring in a copy of this letter, your certificates and other documents discussed on your first day of joining. You will be paid a fixed salary of $4000 per month by and before 10th of every month.

Please reply to this letter as your confirmation and in case if you wish to change your joining date, please contact our HR department. For any further query or doubts please feel to contact us at 03983-348474-4848.

Yours Sincerely

Jenny Walker

Senior Manager

Fresco Accounting Zone.

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