Appreciation Letters

Company Appreciation Letter


Mr Richardson,

Head of marketing department,

Sterling Shopping Complex,



Mr Jones,

Marketing manager,

Sterling Shopping Complex,


Dear Mr Jones,

I, Mr Richardson, Sterling Shopping Complex, Amsterdam, am writing this letter on behalf of the entire working unit for marketing department in order to convey appreciation for the impeccable work which you have showcased in the last year. The management is proud of the work achievements of your and I, as the head for the marketing department, have submitted your name as the official nomination for the award of ‘Best Employee of the Year’.

Not only has the management, the staff of the marketing department appreciated your approach towards them. The staff people are happy to work under you and it is for this reason that you have been perceived as the future head for this department. I hope that you continue the good work. On a whole, your performance and your contribution for the firm’s cause has been appreciative and hence, like an employee friendly firm, management respects and appreciates it.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Richardson

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