Charity Letters

Charity Letter of Intent


Dr. Joseph Andrews

21, Belgravia Avenue,


22nd March 2012

Subject: Charity Bazaar

Respected Sir,

Our organization, Equality for All, has decided to gather funds for the project of the year, Autism and You, by holding a Charity Bazaar on the 22nd of June 2012, open for all. Since you have been associated with this project intimately, we seek your help in enabling us to organize this project on the scale it deserves. This requires considerable planning, and we intend to make this bazaar successful not simply as a fund-raising event but also as a model for other such projects to emulate.

The bazaar will consist of knick knacks and other items like woven clothes, cards, gift items and the like which have been made by the differently-abled children. We are optimistic about the turnout at the event and the contributions which will be made. We hope you can grace the event with your presence.

Thanking you,

Selena Rogers

Chief Supervisor

Equality for All

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