Certification Letters

Certification Letter Example


George Mathew
Sr. Trainer
Training Department
ABC Pvt. Ltd.

24 Solar Building
Greenwich, Connecticut

17th Feb 2012

To whomsoever it may concern

This letter is to certify that Mr. George Mathew has worked with our organization as a Sr. Manager from 7th June 2009 to 10th Feb 2012. He was a part of the training department handling the position of a Sr. Trainer. Mr. Mathew drew an annual salary of $80,000.

Mr. George Mathew has been dedicated towards his work and has achieved a number of awards for his performance. He values the importance of time and has always been punctual to the office. Another thing that is worth mentioning is that he has not only been good at his own work but has also handled various additional responsibilities. He is known for delivering quality work and would be a great value addition for your organization.

Apart from this, he is well mannered and bears a good moral character.


Arnold Johnson

HR Head

ABC Pvt. Ltd

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