Breakup Letters

Breakup Letter to a Cheater


Kevin Williams

#122, Forest Drive

Washington, CA

Dear Mr. Cheater

I am writing this letter to end up our relationship. I am writing a letter because I don’t want to see you or talk to you. Whatever you did to me was not right and when I realized that you were only fooling me around, all I wanted was to end this relationship. However, this was not so easy for me but I didn’t want to be in any relationship with you.

I used to be so fond of you and all the time I used to think about you. But you were only playing with my emotions and not only me, but with the emotions of so many other girls just for your enjoyment. You cheated on me and I myself saw you with another girl in the Air club last night.

This relationship is over from my side and don’t try to contact me or meet me ever in the future.


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