Breakup Letters

Breakup Letter to Girlfriend


Jane Smith

#531, Oak Drive

Washington, CA

Dear Jane

I am writing this letter to you with a very heavy heart, because I never thought that this day will come when I would have to tell you that I cannot continue this relationship any longer. I am sure you also know the reason behind this.

You know Jane, this was the first serious relationship of my life and I really loved you so much, that I never thought that you can ever break my heart. I cannot forgive you for all this. I don’t know why you felt the need for more than one boyfriend when I used to love you so much and we used to enjoy each other’s company a lot.

But anyway that was your way of living your life but I cannot be with you any more to see such things. I hope you’ll take care of yourself and I’ll be always there for you whenever you need a true friend.


Mark Johnson

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