Birthday Letters

Birthday Party Invitation Letter


Amie Jackson

#223, Springdale drive

Dallas, Texas

10th Feb, 2012

Dear Amie,

I am writing this letter with immense pleasure, as the purpose of this letter is to invite you on the grand occasion of 75th birthday of Grandma.

We are planning a surprise birthday party for her, to make her this birthday very special. She has always loved us and this is our chance to make a day in her life very special and memorable. I am informing you so early so that you can keep this day completely free from any other appointment.

Her birthday is on 24th February and you have to come at our place by 6 pm in the evening. Remember this is a surprise birthday party, so don’t mention anything about it to grandma. Let’s celebrate this day with full enthusiasm that it leaves a very beautiful memory in grandma’s heart.

Your sister,


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