Apology Letters

Apology Letter to Professor

November 22, 2010

Prof. Serlie Lewis

Associate Professor

Department of Development Journalism

University of California

Dear Pro. Lewis:

I would like to sincerely apologize for passing my research paper requirement 2 days behind the deadline. I was down with flu for almost three days, and I did not have the chance to drop by at the university to submit the said requirement. I tried sending you messages through your email a number of times, but to no avail.

I hope you can still accept my paper even if you will me a lower grade as I need to pass the course in order to graduate on time. In case you think that I need to fulfill additional projects to make up for the delay, you can tell me immediately so I can work on it. I promise that this delay will not happen again.

Sincerely Yours,

Deborah Evans

Journalism Student

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